Robin's Summer in Chicago, Boston, San Fran, Vegas…
America 2008 from Robin Blandford on Vimeo.
Sweet Sweet Words from People
Prof. Tom Collinger had quite positive opinion about our/my achievement in KFC project and the entire Global Residency experience;
Eileen Z. pointed out several good quality in me which she found out during our days together. At least, she noticed that I wrote different, customized emails to thank three parties of the participants who attended our final presentation.
"Goodness, you are great. You sent out those targeted emails at THAT night!"
All these above, I have striven hard for and thus earned the sweet fruits now. They are still so overwhelming and way beyond my expectation. The only thing I can say now is....
KFC Presentation is a BLAST, Period!
- IMC系上的參與者包含了IMC之父Don Schultz親自到場(老天....他走進教室的時候Eileen跟我快腦充血了....),系主任Tom Collinger、案子的指導教授Tom Hayden也在會議室裡。另外還有一個教授遠端連線進來全程參與。系上的Career Service兩個Staff也都到了(這又是2/2的比例)。班上另一組負責Pizza Hut的同學也有至少兩位連線進來。
- 上海客戶端,我們也有約十人的參與陣仗。所有我們在上海期間見過的各部門負責人都在,雖然原本承諾會參與的VP因故還是忙不過來沒有機會到場。
- 美國Yum! Brands總部端,CPAO及Pizza Hut的負責人都親自遠端參與聽完完整簡報,並且提了很關鍵的問題。還有一位KFC的美國總部公關部同仁也全程參與,給了我們十分正面的評價與提問。
That is impressive!"
一切都值得了。真 的。
我認識的旅遊達人even54:詳見「壯遊 素食背包客EVEN」
人家說養成一個習慣只要七天,我希望能習慣環境,走在路上不會一直盯著公車或是攤販驚訝的大呼小叫,看到城市居民特有的文化(像是男生牽手、戴特殊帽子之 類的事)也能像看到台北人行道上小綠人一樣習慣,對於當地居民過度關心好奇的眼光也能像明星一樣習以為常,總之,就是像人行道上的落葉一樣,經過偶爾會看 上兩眼,有點引人注意,但又很自然。
好像要做什麼重要的事都要去龍山寺、行天宮求個上上簽回來才安 心,大學在易理術數研究社待過一段時間,也曉得簡單測掛、八字什麼的,知道我的命在出國的那年會遇到12年一次的大劫
回家心理想著,怎麼辦?From:02 問卜-連續13沒筊,比大樂透難
當我走出機場,面對厚厚人牆,清一色男性,沒有一個人微笑,而且都盯著我不發一語,唯一女性是旁邊跟著蒼蠅,手上抱著小孩的乞丐!感覺他們正在密謀一件事,所以監視我。我有點害怕,等著AIESEC的人的過程中,越等越害怕,尤其是乞丐不斷來要錢,而我身上沒有盧比,過了晚上11點AIESEC的人一直沒有出現,又聯絡不到!我對著這些離我約1.5公尺的人大叫"Don't stare at me",好像我說的話是火星話,沒人對我說一句話,就是圍著我盯著我。From: 05 初見-等無人
(註)Even54的經典行 *與我重複的國度/地區,發現我是小咖了吧~*
絲路之旅:俄國、哈薩客、烏茲別克、吉爾吉斯、新疆、河西四郡、西安 66天 10萬
歐洲之行:葡、西、法、德、義、瑞士、荷、比利時、斯洛文尼亞、斯洛伐克、梵諦岡、 奧、匈、捷、波蘭、愛沙尼亞、拉脫維亞、立陶宛 90天 17萬
亞洲隨行:中國大陸幾乎全部、越、泰、港澳、日、汶淶、星、馬、印度、不丹 南亞九個月半 17萬
北非略影:突尼西亞、摩洛哥 1個月 5萬
Visitors! Visitors! Visitors! Visitors!
From Thomas's 王叛逆 |
Sep 23 ~ 26, Thomas Chen's lovely family with 2 cuties, uncle + aunt + cousins from Dad's side flying with me all the way from Taiwan(TPE)=>San Francisco(SFO)=>Chicago(ORD)!
Will YOU be the next person to come?
Always So Recharged After Visiting O'Neil's
From Summer Random... |
They welcomed me back to the US from Shanghai, and shared with me all their experiences and photos in Beijing. They went there around a week before me. We had really deep talk about the country, our impressions, their learning from their American friends who is working there right now, and my learning from the KFC project as well as all the energetic people I met there.
"You indeed live in an interesting time in history." Pat said. He encouraged me to use my talent in the time to come, and be brave to all of the unpredictables and the adventures ahead. Because, "no one knows what will happen next anyways! And you've already equipped with something so valuable and admirable." These might not be the precise words he told me. Nevertheless, I found the long lost power at that moment, from those talks, from that home.
Praise the Lord! You raise me up and put me back together again through your magic channel and amazing words. The way ahead is still winding, but
請找個會為妳隨口提的一個地點到google earth上尋尋覓覓,然後把妳一起帶去散步的人。
妳知道我在對誰說話的 :) Cheers!
Shanghai Residency: Tour Diary- Posted on Inside IMC
Shanghai Residency: Tour Diary
6 08 2008Medill IMC’s global residents are back from sumptuous Shanghai.
Shanghai was sizzling…in more ways than one. In the more apparent way, the weather was rather warm. It was common to experience temperatures up to 90 degrees during the day and, on top of that, the women among us had to wear business casual and high heels. But Shanghai also sizzled because it was a great trip in terms of the exposure we received to a new culture, new people and, of course, a new way of working.
19 students and two faculty members made the two week sojourn to China. The IMC student contingent was split into four groups. Two groups worked on the corporate side (Pizza Hut and KFC), while two teams were assigned ad agency projects (Draftfcb and McCann Erickson).
The team working on Dannon (a Draftfcb client) led a very healthy lifestyle during the trip as their work involved understanding breakfast preferences for Chinese locals. They woke up very early to be on the streets at 7 AM to observe food stands (and consequently fall asleep by 9 in the evening).
The Pizza Hut group had their entire schedule mapped out by by the client (including the weekends). The Pizza Hut staff also ensured that the team had their fair share of Pizza Hut cuisine!
The KFC team tuned into amazing presentations one after the other and visited the offices of three client partners: Ogilvy-Shanghai (a creative agency), Synovate (a market research agency), and Tencent QQ (an online portal and instant messaging service).
The students assigned to Puma, a McCann Erickson client, also found themselves traversing the Shanghai streets to visit sports stores. McCann Erickson had given the IMCers a lot to explore, and they were assigned to build Puma’s brand image in the face of stiff international and local competition.
IMC’s global residency teams also listened to a presentation by Yum! Brands on KFC, Pizza Hut and East Dawning (a Chinese fast food restaurant). The same afternoon Prof. Frank Mulhern gave a talk on “What is IMC” for Yum! Brands - China employees and had in-depth discussions with them afterwards.
It wasn’t all work though. Yes, we worked hard, but we played even harder. We went out at night. The students collectively tried many cuisines around Shanghai. Several of us took a trip on Huangpu River to appreciate the magnificent night view.
The IMC Welcome Drink on the night of July 7 was a great success. The venue, Bar Rouge, has a breathtaking view and served as a great treat for the newly arriving IMCers. In addition to the touring group, 7 alumni and 6 from the upcoming class of 2009 joined us (even though only two were part of my contact list). 3 more potential IMC candidates also arrived to pleasantly surprise us, and one of them had traveled all the way from Beijing!
Before returning we also gathered for a Shanghai experience-sharing dinner. We also united once more to celebrate the birthdays of our beloved Prof. Mulhern and classmate Bronwen Murray.
All in all we had a great time in Shanghai.
……….Wendy Hsiao-wen Chen
Happy Valentine's Day! 五月天+陳綺貞-"私奔到月球" for U!
(信)其實妳 是個心狠又手辣 的小偷
(信)我的心 我的呼吸和名字 都偷走
(綺)你才是 綁架我的兇手 機車後座的我 吹著風 逃離了平庸
(信)這星球 天天有五十億人 在錯過
(信)多幸運 有妳一起看星星 在爭寵
(綺)這一刻 不再問為什麼 不再去猜測
(合)人和人 心和心 有什麼 不同
(合)一二三 牽著手 四五六 抬起頭
七八九 我們私奔到月球
讓雙腳 去騰空 讓我們 去感受
那無憂的真空 那月色純真的感動
(信)當妳說 太聰明往往還是 會寂寞
(信)我笑著 傾聽孤單終結後 的靜默
(綺)看月亮 像夜空的瞳孔 靜靜凝視你我 和我們擾嚷的星球
(信)靠近妳 怎麼突然兩個人 都詞窮
(信)讓心跳 像是野火燎原般 的洶湧
(綺)這一刻 讓命運也沉默 讓腳尖劃過
(合)天和天 地和地 緣分的 宇宙
Off We Go To Shanghai- Posted on Inside IMC
Feels really good about the update somewhere else, in a more formal way :)
Off We Go To Shanghai
30 06 2008While most of our classmates are all over the country working hard at their individual residences, a group of us have been hanging out in Evanston for the past two weeks. What have we been up to? Here’s a short update from those of us going on the Global Residency!
This summer, 19 IMC students are heading to Shanghai for two weeks as part of the first-ever Global Residency program. Accompanied and advised by two professors, Tom Hayden and Frank Mulhern, students formed teams to work on four projects for three multinational companies: Yum! Brands (KFC), Yum! Brands (Pizza Hut), Draftfcb (client: Kraft), and McCann-Erickson (client: Puma). We had three days of mini-courses and meetings before leaving for Shanghai and will be on-site from July 7 to 18. But that’s not all. All the teams will keep working on their project after they return to the U.S. The final presentation and proposals to our respective clients will keep us busy until the end of August. Our first class was on Wednesday, and we were so inspired by Don Schultz’s lectures and the guest speakers’ presentations. In a very short time, we learned a lot about marketing in China from both Don and Ron Jacobs, president of Jacobs & Clevenger. Both of them also made some observations about global marketing, especially the Indian and Japanese markets, to help immerse us in “a whole new world” outside the U.S.
Prof Martin Block joined us on Thursday afternoon to introduce newly updated research that was conducted in China for 10 quarters up till the first 2 quarters of this year (it’s REALLY FRESH!). Besides the lectures, students had to deliver a presentation that afternoon on eight areas in the Chinese market using a new tool called MindManager (mind-mapping software). We had another assignment due the next day: each team was to present their discoveries so far on their specific projects (KFC, Pizza Hut, Puma and Kraft). You know what made that difficult? The four teams either got a) very limited information about the project, b) too much information about the project, or c) some information about the project in Mandarin Chinese! The challenge continued when Don Schultz gave us 1.5 hours (originally the lunch break) to shift our product-focused presentations to customer-centric ones. Who are our consumers? What do we know about them? What more do we aspire to know about them?
Currently all four groups are raring to go. We will meet as a full team again on Tuesday, July 1 and then fly to Shanghai for our exciting on-site exploration. We will definitely work as hard as everyone else doing individual residencies!
……….Wendy Chen
Long TIme No See! Tomato Soup & Great W Dish!
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From Guten Appetit |
Dala~ Ladies and gentlemen, Wendy finally made something delicious again! It didn't mean that I have not cooked for a long time. I was just so lazy to take photo of my dish and then publish them. My new try today was a beef based tomato soup with green onion, onion, fish balls, and green beens. I also quickly fried some bok choy with garlic and put them on the side of the rice.
Myriam tasted the soup, and she could comment on the taste. My personal take was- it is AWESOME :D
I don't have recipe for it. I just randomly added some salt, some sukiyaki sauce, and some Japanese Hondashi in the soup. I've told everyone, you need talent to cook something Chinese!