我們的故事 by 戴佩妮
Maybe, just maybe, it's a start?
Anyways I love her voice, the tender, and love the story :)
我們的故事 (I'm with you)
詞/曲: 戴佩妮
窗外吹來的一陣冷風 故意擾亂了你的髮絲
你緩緩撥弄白頭髮的姿勢 像不耐煩的小孩子
你坐在我送你的搖椅上搖 是盪鞦韆的另種方式
我模仿你那碎碎唸唸的樣子 我是你的小孩子
所以我小聲地跟著你哼 那我老的時候才會記得
聊一聊我們曾經做的傻事 醒來以後是不是就有解釋
原來承諾兩個字 累人一輩子 也輕易讓人勾勾手指
聊一聊我們曾經錯過的事 是否在失去以後才有價值
原來夢想的種子 要用一輩子的執著來等待它的果實
所以我小聲地跟著你哼 那我老的時候才會記得
聊一聊我們各自那段往事 多年以後是不是還有堅持
原來愛情這回事 煩心一輩子 幸福讓人欲言又止
聊一聊我們未來那些日子 是否在天亮以後不再迷失
原來活著的樣子 是坦然地過一輩子 過程只是讓你更懂事
原來活著的樣子 是坦然地過一輩子 過程只是讓你更懂事
Wendy E-News[The Change]
Dear Friends,
Greetings! I hope you are all well. Sorry for keeping silent for a long time again; there were simply too many things happening in the period of time. The most apparent one: I changed my job.
I was with company A: high-tech, hardware, manufacturer, and selling innovation and leading technologies;
Now I am with company i:high-tech, software, entertainment, and producing happiness while sharing the touching moment of life.
But Life is a miracle, as it Always is. Three days after my resignation proposal, I heard about this current position; within a week, including all earlier opportunities in talk, I received Three different but all exciting job offers.
「If you want something, all the universe conspire to help you」
When I decide to change, all the universe conspire to help me change.
In mid November, I thus officially left the company and sailed for my new adventure.
Here is some little moments that I would love to share with you, too:
Merry Christmas! and a Happy New Year!
This is such a MARVELOUS change! Company i is a small startup, and we are providing online KTV services to empower our users to be a super star.
I said, we are selling a dream.
I said. we are selling some endless happiness
I said, we are selling a dream.
I said. we are selling some endless happiness
There are so many things that awaits me to learn and to get involved, but I've discovered many things that I could play with-- I've got bunch of ideas in mind. My brilliant new team, some expected and some beyond my anticipation, also made me feel so energetic every single day. There were simply too many sparkles! At least I noticed: the Cute Wendy is back~ My mom is quite happy too, since I now got more time to be home for dinner, she saw more smiles than depressed faces, and she got her little girl surrounding her talking about the fun things happening during the day- just as the old school time- yet again. :)
As for the other parts, I only traveled once in the year: a business trip to Hanover, Germany, and via a transfer at Frankfurt, I flew to Madrid, Spain to visit some friends and relax.
Not too much to mention about work. Due to the stress, I got ill with fever for two whole days during CeBit, and I introduced the products to media and clients continuously, including some interviews. Unfortunately I didn't get any video records at CeBit, but I did get some interesting ones at COMPUTEX in June. You may check theme here: English oneor Mandarin one. (oops, off topic)
Before turning to Madrid to visit my university girl friend and her husband, I saved half a day in Frankfurt to meetup with my KISC pinkies, Julia and Teddi, to catch up and to let them show me around this important gateway city in Europe. Totally unexpected, I was allergic all over my body and was sent to ER by ambulance there... Thanks to my friends, their company and kind assistance helped me conquer the challenges and can continue my journey safely the next day. I survived, and I enjoyed the five unforgettable days in the south Europe. How great that was!
If you asked me, I would tell you I Love the atmosphere in Spain without second thought. Time flew slow there. You can smell freedom and relaxation easily. I was in love with the fact that I could explore among the ancient but stylish architectures, while I would accidentally find impressive music or dance performance on my way at the corner. I love the friendly people there, because they were trying to guide me or to share some local secrets with me even though we didn't speak the same language. I was totally touched by the love birds, my friend and her husband, because they just so naturally blended in the scenery to make Spain even more charming. It's hard. It's hard to say goodbye to Madrid. No matter how many postcards I sent out, or how many photos I took, I knew there's a "MUST" for me to embrace its beauty in person, again.
Not too much to mention about work. Due to the stress, I got ill with fever for two whole days during CeBit, and I introduced the products to media and clients continuously, including some interviews. Unfortunately I didn't get any video records at CeBit, but I did get some interesting ones at COMPUTEX in June. You may check theme here: English oneor Mandarin one. (oops, off topic)
Before turning to Madrid to visit my university girl friend and her husband, I saved half a day in Frankfurt to meetup with my KISC pinkies, Juli
If you asked me, I would tell you I Love the atmosphere in Spain without second thought. Time flew slow there. You can smell freedom and relaxation easily. I was in love with the fact that I could explore among the ancient but stylish architectures, while I would accidentally find impressive music or dance performance on my way at the corner. I love the friendly people there, because they were trying to guide me or to share some local secrets with me even though we didn't speak the same language. I was totally touched by the love birds, my friend and her husband, because they just so naturally blended in the scenery to make Spain even more charming. It's hard. It's hard to say goodbye to Madrid. No matter how many postcards I sent out, or how many photos I took, I knew there's a "MUST" for me to embrace its beauty in person, again.
Here is some little moments that I would love to share with you, too:
- Early May, I tried my first river tracing in life @Wulai, Taiwan.
I know I must go for another runs next summer! - COMPUTEX in June was crazy. I had fever before the exhibition and I lost my voice during the entire week. My hard work paid off, however, since many people were impressed by our show. Yes, I made it!
- Mid of September, more than 20 juniors from the IMC program of Northwestern University came to Taiwan for a one-week visit. I took them to visit JiouFen for a day, got some Taipei city tour, and booked a big chamber for all to sing Karaoke. Wow! That was one of the highest Karaoke night I've ever experienced!
- I traveled to Yilan in the end of September thanks to company tour. I did paragliding for the first time in life, and I stayed in the luxurious Hotel Royal Chiao Hsi.
- Although I really did not want it to happen again, I was sent to ER again due to allergy in early October. The doctor checked my allergy report again and told me there was nothing special I could do to avoid it from mysteriously happening again. I started to carry my pills with me whenever I went out since then.
- Yes, I still love rock climbing. One of my goals for the coming year is to climb more often, to take advanced lessons, and to become more professional if possible!
Merry Christmas! and a Happy New Year!
說也奇妙,就在我提出辭呈的三天後,我接觸到了現職的機會;而在一週內,包含先前已經在談的幾項工作,我瞬間接到了三個各異但卻都很有趣的job offer。
出差的部分就少提了,CeBit大展期間高壓的工作除了讓我發燒感冒兩整天以外,就是不斷的跟來自全歐各地的媒體和客戶說明產品,接受訪問。在德國的展期可惜沒有留下什麼受訪記錄,反而是在六月份的COMPUTEX大展期間有兩支看似很專業的英文 和中文受訪影片 留存。(離題...)在轉往馬德里拜訪我大學學妹和她先生之前,我刻意保留了半天的時間在法蘭克福跟KISC 的童軍伙伴Julia和Teddi聚聚,也讓兩位帶我在市區轉轉,認識一下這個身為歐洲輻輳之地的大城 。萬萬沒想到的是我就在這天傍晚因故全身急性過敏,被救護車送進了急診室...還好有兩位朋友機警的陪伴、照料和收留,一番折騰後我身體狀況也穩定了、休息也夠了、瑣事也都大謝天地的安排好了,隔天無驚無險的前進馬德里,依然在陽光普照的南歐渡過約五天美妙的長假。
才剛進公司的我雖然還有很多要學習要摸索的事情,可是我已經從好多地方去發掘到了這些、那些可以嘗試可以玩看看的事情,預期中會遇到,和超乎所求所想居然真的遇上的鬼才工作夥伴們,也讓我每一天超有幹勁!我至少注意到了一件事:那個個性其實 很可愛 的Wendy回來啦~媽媽也很開心,因為那個被工作壓到總是看不到人,或者整天只剩下愁眉苦臉的小女兒,現在常常可以回家陪她吃飯,而且又恢復像小時候一樣什麼好玩的事情都愛圍著她一直講一直講的狀態囉 :)
- 五月初我嘗試了生平第一次溯溪@烏來加九寮溪,
以後我一定還要再攻別條! - 六月的COMPUTEX好辛苦,這次我從展前就開始發燒,
然後紮實的燒聲了一整個禮拜。不過展得真的很成功, 成果大受各方好評,超有成就感啦! - 九月中西北大學IMC學弟妹一整批二十多人訪台,
我陪他們九份一日遊以外, 也逛了市區也整團開了一大個包廂唱KTV,整場嗨翻天! - 九月底員工旅遊跑去宜蘭走走玩玩,
我在外澳跳了生平第一次飛行傘, 享受了第一次進駐礁溪老爺酒店的尊榮體驗! - 十月初我又全身過敏了一次,又搭了救護車搖晃進到淡水馬偕。
過敏原就算檢查出來還是像個謎, 頭大不已的我於是開始認真隨身帶藥,隨時以防萬一! - 我還是很愛攀岩,也還是三不五時就會想揪團大爬一陣,
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To companies who possess, or are passionate about obtaining and maintaining global reputation, Wendy is the diligent and professional digital marketer who is experienced in digital marketing, is always energetic about solving challenges in the new media field to help the business grow, and can optimize her contributions by utilizing her multilingual and multicultural background.