Wendy E-news [Joyful life full of music]
Hi my lovely friends!
How's life? Sorry for being lazy for more than a year since last entry. Let me make it up for you now~
To begin with, for sure, the work part.
After being a Scout, drawing maps, selling computers, singing songs and selling fried chickens, now I'm back to life to listening to music.
End of July 2015, referred by some friends, I joined _X, Asia's leading online music streaming service founded in Taiwan & running in 6 countries. I'm responsible for overall member strategic marketing (CRM) projects and developing our business in Japan. Lucky enough, I'm working with an excellent manager and a crazily interesting team. We backed up for one another in all ways. My initial task included to lead several younger members to share my experiences and to help them grow. Thanks to my role to support Japan market, I thus picked up my long-lost (for >10 years) Japanese, and rediscovered my incredible potential and hidden talents.
The Best part to be back to music x internet industry is- I can get first hand pop music news and sometimes have intimate interactions with artists. As an example, I got a female singer to feed me my birthday cake this year :P I also got more opportunities to go for concerts. This January, as a new milestone in my life, I assisted my team to host a 12,000-audience concert with around 15 groups of artists from Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea and Thailand to perform. That's something huh?
Well, however, I've encountered some puzzled organizational change recently. Something I love in this job is falling apart rapidly. I hope the chaos can disappear soon, so I can continue to make some big impact like I was doing before.
How hard it is to respect those professionals, and to empower the younger generation, especially in internet industry which relies so much on their creativity and judgement?
No matter how work treats you, you need to Get a GOOD LIFE!
Yes, I still do belly dancing and play ukulele in my leisure time. It's my 3rd year, and counting.
Last December at my annual belly dancing performance, my team picked a romantic costume which composed my favorite water blue and silver. Our dance was also an elegant one, which flew well with our dress. Therefore, I happily signed for 2 more years of dancing lessons short after the show.
(Meaning: you guys got at least two more chances to see my show!)
Another secret to stay energetic is to See the World! - at least it is the case for me.
October 2015, I went for the 10-year-reunion trip to Kandersteg International Scout Centre, Switzerland. My beloved Pinkies from Iceland, Germany, Swiss and I gathered again to enjoy hiking in the Alps, via ferrada (rock climbing), fondue, board game, and walks in our home-like KISC just like 10 years ago. It felt like we've never apart. Yet, two girls are getting married and soon will become mommy, while a boy will become a husband and daddy soon and wave goodbye to his childish life (I wish). Wow, it's That amazing how time will do his work.
On top of Alps, we set our reunion calendar again for 2020. We may meet in Germany, or Swiss, and we'll be surrounded by some pretty view and some little cuties. How can you not looking forward to that?
(Allow me to brag for just a moment: I can hike up to 2800M trail in 2005, so can I in 2015. I can do via ferrada in 2005, so can I in 2015! Yes, I'm still This cool =D )
Hey, one trip is simply Not enough you know. That's why I go for Cherry blossom this spring in Kyoto, Japan!
Exclude the Tokyo business trip in September 2015, it's actually my first trip to Japan in 12 years. One of my friends invited me to go with her and I thought- my language skill now is fair and I've never visited in Sakura season- why not? Off I go, and I am so very satisfied!
Below is a photo with me in Kimono and pink sakura.
Bathing in the sakura rain, both my body and mind are relaxed and full of joy, and I found ways to spoil myself in the elegant ancient town of Kyoto. Ever deeper, I believed in those precious values like-
- Always be warm and kind to those around;
- Always be passionate toward things and stay positive;
- Always stay Curious- even to unknown.
There's a saying in Chinese which I like a lot recently:
"If you bloom, the butterfly will come naturally; If you are fabulous, God will arrange something spectacular for you naturally."你若盛開,蝴蝶自來。你若精彩,天自安排。
May you and those you love Fabulous.
回到音樂 x 網路產業的交集點最爽快之處,就是可以在工作中同時享受最第一手的流行音樂動態,甚至與歌手藝人有密切的互動。聽演唱會/音樂會的機會變多之外,今年一月底我也成功收集到人生首次舉辦小巨蛋演唱會的成就,三不五時也有機會為身邊朋友們謀點小福利,獨樂樂也讓眾樂樂。
2015年10月,我踏上了回瑞士Kandersteg International Scout Centre的十年團聚之旅,跟十年前一起工作的冰島、德國、瑞士朋友再次聚首,一起在最熟悉的阿爾卑斯山群中撒野。登山、健行、攀岩、享用瑞士起司火鍋、玩桌遊、散步,所有懷念的事情我們都做了,就如同十年前一樣!不同的是,這次聚首時兩個女孩都即將為人妻、為人母,快速進入人生下個階段;一個男孩也即將升級為人夫、人父,脫下初識時的那份青澀/輕狂,用嶄新的面貌迎接新的人生。
(忍不住還是要炫耀一下:2005年的我可以爬上2800M的山,2015也可以; 2005年的我可以攀上的岩壁,2015也可以! )
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To companies who possess, or are passionate about obtaining and maintaining global reputation, Wendy is the diligent and professional digital marketer who is experienced in digital marketing, is always energetic about solving challenges in the new media field to help the business grow, and can optimize her contributions by utilizing her multilingual and multicultural background.