and Katheleen's off again. However, I got Pete there with me :) This makes things much easier, for he kwows quite a lot about cooking, and he's a Native Speaker who understand fully of Katheleen's recipe.
What's for lunch? Hot Dogs, Salads, and Tomato Soup- easy, simple, and take little time.
What's for dinner? That's bigger problem. We've got Shepard Pie, Vegetables, Salads, and Pear Crumbles(desert) to make. Also did we need to slice more cheese to refill our breakfast storage. For the latter, just as you may see on the photo in the right, I operated this machine, which Chris called "Cheece Cut", to complete the mission. All I can say about it is- using it helps people to train

As for the Shepard Pie(sorry, I really don't know how to call it in Chinese), we first cooked the minced pork碎豬肉, and then used a certain powder to produce a layer of Mashed Potatoes糊狀馬鈴薯 on it==>into the Steamer蒸籠,不過是電器的(see the left). We even used the Steamer to heat the vegetables, the mixture of Carrotes, Peas豌豆, Cauliflower花椰菜, and Yellow Pepper黃椒. Back to the Shepard Pie, the last step of it is to put on, again, some cheese. These people really love the cheese so much!!! How does the pie taste? Hmmm, GREAT!!
Taking about the most interesting food I made today is absolutely Pear Crumble! We need to melt butters, to mix them together with sugar(by using a mixer), and to put them above the cube(not necessarily perfect square) layer of the Pears==>into the Steamer! (See~ the steamer is extremely useful!) Additionally, Pete made me produce some Fresh Cream to satisfy our guests' hunger for sweet. That's really an EXCELLENT idea! I myself love the cream, and after dinner, there's no cream left. Not a Little Bit~
It seems like....I increasingly tend to like the Catering job, don't I?
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