We two youngsters (I insist!) had great time appreciating my pics in Swiss, and Seif was quite interested in our outdoor experiences over there. For this, I showed him the pics of indoor rock climbing, the hiking to Fruendenhuette and Bluemlisaphuette, and the Klettersteig. Also for his interest, I told him that I may bring him to YF17 sometime if he'd like to. Although he didn't really answer me with a Yes or No, I guess he'll be glad to show up when I invite him.
For the elders, (haha!) they had fun exchanging the ideas about living, especially our differences (between Tunisia&Taiwan). Since Aouiti Rim moved to Tunisia 18 years ago and is still a Taiwanese, she is the best person to answer my curious mom about everything she'd like to know. In return, my mom and dad gave her quite some updates about all the changes and how can those change to the status quo. When the topic came to the education part, which is always the case, yeah....you know my mom, she's a primary school principal. Who can beat her on those issues?
Also quite an interesting thing was that when Seif was short of his Chinese vocabularies, he turned to ask Aouiti Rim in Arabic, which sounded foreign especially to my mom. So, Seif was asked to give us a show- of speaking Arabic on anything. Mom was truly entertained....She kept imitating some sounds of his speech and laughed hard, as well as expressed how particular to hear that language sounded. Anyways, I guessed Mom enjoyed the meeting with this little handsome boy, too!
Before we left, we strongly recommended the owner of the tea house to put up a huge world map somewhere, and kept record of their guest nationalities. That would be quite amazing and astonishing somehow! And if they had also a record on the customers who brought the foreign visitors here, I believe my family will show up so often! It's true! As far as I can remember, we brought friends from at least Japan, Singapore, Canada, and Tunisia!
It was a great night! It was~ :D
salut je suis un ami de seyf et en passant par là j'ai trouvé sa photo je lui passerai le lien il sera ravi.
excuse me I don't speak english very well.
no problem. Please do :)
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