These hightropes are quite great and challenging. Sometimes you'd really get so confused and even scared about how to move forward, but mostly when you tell yourself "it's not big deal, just another lifelong experience." then you'd use your gut to get going :) I was especially surprised and happy about Andrea's joining us, because she was actually afraid of height! I was so worried before that she might suggest we go but stay aside let others enjoying the routes. It's great that she had fun as well!
Yet, it was really a pity that the summer sledge broke before we went for a try.... It should be great fun! I've looked forward to it for quite some time... The one we had at Oeschinensee was great and I still remembered it quite much. Don't know when will I ever have a chance to come back and try, it was really great pity....

Oh! And Never Forget!
We've got a photo on the Cable Car!
We've got a photo on the Cable Car!

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