IMC Halloween Party Came Back to Town!
Wendy E-News-【Wendy fly over Shanghai=>Taiwan=>Chicago】
Long time no see! After a busy summer, I am back to my school work in Northwestern IMC program again.
- I am at the same time looking for a position, and it is REALLY hard
- IMC Capstone made me use everything we learned from the previous quarters to make marketing strategies for our client Clinique. The information they provided us was so limited and vague, and the mysterious organization of the class made our tasks even more complicated. My summer time project teammate Eileen and I missed the good old time when only five of us working very closely together every single day...
Since I mentioned my summer, please allow me to share with you my marvelous residency in Shanghai.
Shanghai brought me far more surprises than that I could imagine. My two week internship in KFC China allowed me to experience that city's endless opportunity and development. KFC China provided great hospitality to my team, introduced and presented their efforts in PR, marketing, e-marketing and market research for the summer drink project. We also got the chance to meet their other partners:Ogilvy Shanghai、Synovate Market Research、Tencent QQ to understand comprehensively about their integrated marketing communications endeavor. Based on all those, my team and I later developed our recommendations for their summer drink campaign. We also used our in-depth interview with Chinese teenagers, their target customers, and other first-hand observations to make our proposal more convincing. Additionally, believe it or not, I am one of the presenters for our final proposal, and report to high management teams in China and US at the same time!
"How were you doing in Shanghai, Wendy?"
"I am very very busy!"
But indeed, I had fun.
I had a friend who came pick me up in the airport. I met my junior high classmates who is currently working near Shanghai. I went visit museums and Yut Yuan with a friend's friend Angela. I visited a water town Xitan during weekend with a new student. Many other new students took me around buying small gifts. Friends also showed the wonders of Shanghai to me, shared insight of the market with me and so much more!
Shanghai is great, internship is awesome, but NOTHING beats HOME!
I was completely conquered by my sweet home and family from the very first day I arrived. My cute cat Pipi surprisingly remembered me as a family member and licked me since I got in our car. Mom, Dad and my brother spoiled me within my very short stay at home without doubt. I rode on my motorbike happily to meet many of my friends and teachers around Taipei: The Best Four、Angkor 8 sisters、Explore Scout members、College friends、NTUMUN juniors、Other schoolmates、primary school friends and teachers.... I went to my Chinese doctors, did my hair, checked several scenic spots around Taipei and took Taipei MRT + Taiwan High Speed Rail + Kaohsiung MRT to visit all my lovely relatives in southern part of Taiwan within two days. One of my uncle's family visited me in Chicago after I flew back to school, They kind of extended my sweet home feelings a little bit longer while I happily took them around showing off the beautiful city of Chicago.
I still need to face the cruel reality. I have to fight for my study and for my tough job hunting process.
I am applying for brand management, marketing communications, account planning position preferably in Chicago, somewhere California or New York. I sincerely desire to work for several years in the US to learn the way the market leaders manage their businesses. I am very experienced in online marketing, interactive media and related fields. As many of you have also known, one of my great assets was my global perspectives. If anything comes across your mind, please don't hesitate to contact me and let us discuss.
Thank you for your kind support and encouragement. I know it is tough right now, but I got your love and warmth with me. I would be able to move on.
Wish me luck!
Lost An Earing, and Something in My Silence
So Useful! Submit Express Analyzer!
Its main focus was to know how the words displayed on the site relevant to the message it would love to deliver to its visitors. Reminded by our teacher, I inserted several competitors Web site to compare....
Key findings:
- Web site title matter! Number of charaters and the contents should be relevant to the site contents. This especially matters for small business owners who would love to have their site popped up when others search.
- Make your search page contents attractive and informative! For my example below, Lancome did a better job.
Status. | ||
Status: | 200 OK | |
Web Server: | Apache | |
Content: | text/html, text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 | |
Meta tags report for: http://www.clinique.com/ | ||
meta tag | length | value |
Title: | 121 | Clinique - Say Hello to Great Skin - 3-Step Skin Care, Turnaround, Repairwear, Foundation, Lip Gloss, Eye Shadow, Mascara |
Meta tags analysis. | ||
Title: | This tag contains too many characters. This tag contains 121 characters. This is too many for what we would consider a 'robot friendly' web page. The maximum number of characters we recommend for this tag is 80. | |
Description: | Found no description meta tag. The description meta tag is used by most of the search engines. Consider to add a description meta tag. | |
Keywords: | Found no keywords meta tag. The keyword meta tag is still used by many search engines. Consider to add a keyword meta tag. | |
Robots: | Found no robots meta tag. This tag is not really required but helps spiders to index the web page. | |
Author: | Found no author meta tag. This tag is not really required but helps for your (company) name recognizing. | |
Web page analysis. | ||
The size of the web page is to big. The size of the web page is 66393 bytes. The web page load time. The web page load time is 2 seconds. | ||
Your site displayed on a search engine page. | ||
Clinique - Say Hello to Great Skin - 3-Step Skin Care, Turnaround, Repairwear, Foundation, Lip Gloss, Eye Shadow, Mascara http://www.clinique.com/ |
Status. | ||
Status: | 200 OK | |
Web Server: | Microsoft-IIS/6.0 | |
Content: | text/html; charset=utf-8, text/html;charset=iso-8859-1 | |
Meta tags report for: http://www.lancome-usa.com | ||
meta tag | length | value |
Title: | 74 | Lancome Perfume, Cosmetic, Make up, Skin care, Sun & Body care, Men care, |
Description: | 152 | Shop Lancome's full selection of perfume, cosmetic, make up, skin care, men products, and more. Free Shipping for orders over $50 for My Lancome members |
Robots: | 12 | INDEX,FOLLOW |
Meta tags analysis. | ||
Title: | Title relevancy to page content is very poor. The Title relevancy to page content is 25%. | |
Description: | Description relevancy to page content is very poor. The Description relevancy to page content is 38%. | |
Keywords: | Found no keywords meta tag. The keyword meta tag is still used by many search engines. Consider to add a keyword meta tag. | |
Robots: | The Robots meta tag contains no errors. This tag contains 12 characters. | |
Author: | Found no author meta tag. This tag is not really required but helps for your (company) name recognizing. | |
Web page analysis. | ||
This page contains too many URLs. This tag contains 104 urls. Some Search Engines have problems with more than 100 urls on a page. The size of the web page is to big. The size of the web page is 51950 bytes. The web page load time. The web page load time is 2 seconds. | ||
Your site displayed on a search engine page. | ||
Lancome Perfume, Cosmetic, Make up, Skin care, Sun & Body care, Men care, Shop Lancome's full selection of perfume, cosmetic, make up, skin care, men products, and more. Free Shipping for orders over $50 for My Lancome members http://www.lancome-usa.com |
Status. | ||
Status: | 200 OK | |
Web Server: | Apache | |
Content: | text/html, text/html;charset=iso-8859-1 | |
Meta tags report for: http://www.maccosmetics.com/ | ||
meta tag | length | value |
Title: | 15 | M·A·C Cosmetics |
Meta tags analysis. | ||
Title: | Title relevancy to page content is poor. The Title relevancy to page content is 50%. | |
Description: | Found no description meta tag. The description meta tag is used by most of the search engines. Consider to add a description meta tag. | |
Keywords: | Found no keywords meta tag. The keyword meta tag is still used by many search engines. Consider to add a keyword meta tag. | |
Robots: | Found no robots meta tag. This tag is not really required but helps spiders to index the web page. | |
Author: | Found no author meta tag. This tag is not really required but helps for your (company) name recognizing. | |
Web page analysis. | ||
The size of the web page is to big. The size of the web page is 51270 bytes. The web page load time. The web page load time is 1 seconds. | ||
Your site displayed on a search engine page. | ||
M·A·C Cosmetics http://www.maccosmetics.com/ |
這學期我只選了兩門共計三學分的課,一個是繫上的必修IMC Capstone(整合行銷傳播學)
- 工作真的很難找
- IMC Capstone的份量滿重的。
我們需要運用過去一年來在課堂上學會的所有技能為客戶Clini que制定行銷策略,而客戶給我們的資料實在有限, 我們各顯神通弄得焦頭爛額的..... 另外一個讓這門課特別累人的原因是課堂組織效率低落, 同樣一個專案往常我們是用4- 6人的小組去進行深入的瞭解與發展, 這次的組織太龐大以至於決策窒礙難行。 我跟一同做中國KFC專案的Eileen私下討論, 都忍不住的想念起我們暑假期間五個人關在小房間裡每天六小時以上 的密集討論....
Meet Lucinda Williams Next Friday!
If I had my way I'd be in your town
I might not stay but at least I would've been around
Cause there's something about what happens when we talk
Something about what happens when we talk
Does this make sense It doesn't matter anyway
Is it coincidence or was it meant to be
Cause there's something about what happens when we talk
Something about what happens when we talk
Conversation with you was like a drug
It wasn't your face so much as it was your words
Cause there's something about what happens when we talk
Something about what happens when we talk
Well I can't stay round cause I'm going back south
But all I regret now is I never kissed your mouth
Cause there's something about what happens when we talk
Something about what happens when we talk
Cause there's something about what happens when we talk
Something about what happens when we talk
For some reason, my joy and excitement is beyond description. I have listened to her songs for some time, and as lucky as I could ever be, I will see her and listen to her in person in a concert! Great thanks to the careless sponsor :P
Striving Till the Last Minute
Let's try my best. Let's ROCK!
It Struke Me This Morning
[Promotion]National Taiwan Model United Nations Conference 2008
Grab the chance to meet outstanding students from the country!
Master the art of negotiation, debate, and cooperation!
Experience a United Nations conference!
Delve into the alluring career of a diplomat!
Eligible Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students
Date:2008.11.28 (Fri)—11.30(Sun)
Location: National Taiwan University GIS Convention Center
Please log on to our website for more information , go to registration
Application will close on 2008.10.17
Conference Fee: NT $1500
總召 財金四 宋婉瑜 tvtv006@gmail.com
法律四 陳 萱 annie16683@gmail.comSecretary-General:
Emily Sung tvtv006@gmail.com
Annie Chen annie16683@gmail.com
Go for it, my young student friends!
That's an association and an event that I love a lot. You will enjoy it, too!
Addicted to Sister Rosetta.... Still
Robert Plant & Allison Krauss
Strange things are happening everyday
I hear the music up above my head
Though the sight of my heart has left me again
I hear music up above
Secrets are written in the sky
Looks like I've lost the love I've never found
Though the sound of hope has left me again
I hear music up above
Standing in my broken heart all night long
Darkness held me like a friend when love wore off
Looking for the lamb that's hidden in the cross
The finder's lost
I know I loved you too much
I'll go alone to get through
I hear Rosetta singing in the night
Echos of light that shines like stars after they're gone
Tonight she's my guide as a girl on the moon
With the music up above
My Shining Sukiyaki!
From Guten Appetit |
What a fruitful day :)
Wendy's Bright Side of Life
From Re-settle down |
I knew it's chilly, but I got a bouquet of flower that brought me sunshine.
I knew it's windy, but I got a cup of coffee that smells just right.
I knew study is intense and the career market is tight, but I got people's encouragement and support. I will be fine.
I knew we got really limited time, but I volunteer to prepare some Sukiyaki from time to time. :)
It's not Rain.
It's Liquid Sunshine.
Keep Faith in People! I Got My Mobile Phone back!
I sent out an email to the listserve for the class of 2008 and 2009, and also to our student service staff Keri to forward the info for me. A girl in the journalism program, Melissa, replied me late at night the next day to inform me the place she dropped the mobile phone she picked-up! That email serious was the most welcomed one these few days! It raised me up :D
Praise the Good Nature in people! Praise the Lord!
Become a Confident Presenter?
Work Hard
- Internally got wonderful support, detailed presentations and discussion from KFC Shanghai team prior to, during, and after we went on-site. Their warm hospitality while we were there was also significant.
- Externally visited KFC's creative agency: Ogilvy Shanghai; market research agency: Synovate; e-marketing partner: Tencent QQ
- Successful IMC Welcome Drinks joined by alumni, class of '09, prospective student and friend of IMC
- Chinese town/garden visit, Chinese cuisine
- Hit bars with great view "to understand the business culture"
This past year and this past summer had transformed me into a better Wendy, who is much more confident, positive, independent and strong. Even though I didn't notice sometimes. For the journey and the challenge ahead, I knew I had so much more to learn and to explore. Since I have already upgraded myself into a better public presenter, what other tasks can't I accomplish?
My Presentation History
- KFC China Summer Drink Project- one of the two presenters for 45 min. responsible for 25 min. to client(directors, managers) in Shanghai, China and to client(CPAO, brand president, PR staff) in Louisville, US- ENG
- Introducing Modu- 5 min. in class presentation
- Online Advertising Matrix presentation- one of the two presenters for 20 min.
- Introducing marketing in Taiwan using example of convenient stores- 10 min. presentation for Medill Asian Student Association