

美國的手機門號正式走入歷史。7737888269揮別了我一年半的回憶,甘的、苦的、甜的、酸的。看到手機忽然顯示unregistered SIM那行字的瞬間心還是揪了一下。現在開始,再也沒有從這個號碼撥入發出的聲響了。彷彿回到了原始狀態,彷彿那些曾經有過的煩惱都跟著他一起煙消雲散。

"Hello, Wendy speaking~" No more.


Andrea said...

加油加油!!! All this will be great chapters in your autobiography soon!

Wendy Chen said...

Hey, thanks for the comment. I hope so~

To companies who possess, or are passionate about obtaining and maintaining global reputation, Wendy is the diligent and professional digital marketer who is experienced in digital marketing, is always energetic about solving challenges in the new media field to help the business grow, and can optimize her contributions by utilizing her multilingual and multicultural background.