
Proud to Be Someone Like You

As passionate and idealistic as you are,
As organized and disciplined as you are,
As intellectual and creative as you are,
As prepared and down-to-earth as you are,
As kind and friendly as you are,
As international and open-minded as you are.

You might not know I've seen you as the role model of my life,
and I never plan to let you know.
It might be too early to make this statement,
but I deeply feel proud of being able to become someone like you.
I will keep trying, trying hard, to prove that I can be.
And I WILL BE :)

1 comment:

Deer Port Inc. said...

Sure you will ^-^

To companies who possess, or are passionate about obtaining and maintaining global reputation, Wendy is the diligent and professional digital marketer who is experienced in digital marketing, is always energetic about solving challenges in the new media field to help the business grow, and can optimize her contributions by utilizing her multilingual and multicultural background.