
iPhone Users! Here're 25 Great Outdoor Activity Apps!

Detail descriptions and photos are found on the adventure life at HERE.

Not even a year ago, there were those who questioned the hoopla over the iPhone. And here we are now, secure in the knowledge that Apple's micro-Mac isn't just a radical new phone, it's a revolution in computing, communication, entertainment, and connectivity. ~by steve casimiro
I was impressed to see this entry- thanks to kind share from Robin. If you are a crazy lover of all outdoor activities: skiing, hiking, astronomy, biking, jogging, etc and you happen to be an iPhone user, you will find these applications wonderful. (Hey! My scouting friends who got iPhone!! Yes, am calling you~) Want some directions in the wild? Desire to keep track of your mileage? Forget how to call the stars you are staring at? Eager to know if it'll be a sunny day for hiking?

Go to the site to preview those apps. You can directly click on the title of individual ones to be directed to the iTune store to start your purchase. Have fun!

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