「有啊~」年輕的店員小姐抬頭、挑眉、臉上出現一個很大的問號:「你聽這麼老的喔?」然後腳下沒停,把我帶到了「西洋老歌」這個一點也不精確的架前,頂棚的一張大黑膠唱片上Muddy Waters對我微笑。
自動揮去剛剛的那句話,我細細的開始瀏覽架上的寶貝:BB King, Buddy Guy, Memphis Minnie, Muddy Waters, Son House, Robert Johnson, etc. 撫摸著這些音樂專輯,我掉進自己的回憶,還有一些不知道要怎麼形容的情緒,在內心深處決堤。
還是懶得多解釋,只稍稍的反駁了一句「我去聽過BB King現場演唱ㄟ!超棒的啊!!!!」然後就繼續我的尋寶之路,取出一張張的專輯瞧瞧,這張專輯我是不是已經有了。
隔壁櫃上,好多張貓王的專輯大啦啦的(幾乎是)閃爍著。路過現代搖滾區,Bruce Springsteen的唱片、Lucinda Williams的Little Honey、Neil Young大半排的專輯都很火速的抓住我的眼光。我還拿起Lucinda Williams的Little Honey跟毛毛推薦我的愛歌:"Little Rock Star"和"If Wishes Were Horses",順便鬼叫兩聲我有去聽過她和Niel Young演唱會的事情,推廣一下Bruce Springsteen的"Born to Run"是我的代表歌。
Daily Wendy Becomes Weekly Wendy?!
- I went to Carrefour trying to buy some yogurt for myself, and I stood there, completely lost. Where are all those familiar brands? Gosh, Taiwanese people don't eat those brands I love but eat those local brands with tiny servings?
- I was doing a survey and found the questions so hard to answer. a) Many brands are so unfamiliar (they're local or Asia brands) b) We translated so many brands into Chinese, so I have difficulty recognizing them. (Maybe I'll have to google them to verify their identity.....I still have this issue.)
- Have no idea what to buy and how much should I view a thing as "reasonable priced." Really, I am so lost. Everything comparatively is so cheap, (for sure) and since there was also some price changes over this past year or so, I need more time to understand if I am really having a bargain or not. (My judgment was criticized by my dad and brother for several times already....)
- TV news. We also got a new president and new government when I was abroad in the US. Not to mention all the other things happened without notice. Who is s/he? What is that? What happened? Why did they say so? Jeez I am so lost. I feel like a foreigner.....
- ANTI-ALLERGY: As many of you might know, this environment change got me the horrible running nose and sometimes red spots or itchy skin. I HATE THEM! Unfortunately it's more like my destiny that I have to fight with them since I'm back... (Seriously, this is one of the major reasons why I miss Chicago/US)
- CLEAN MY HOUSE/MY ROOM: Not only unpacking. (No, I didn't finish my unpacking task yet.) I deeply know that I have to sort out my stuff to fully get my life back to normal. However, 1) I am lazy; 2) There are way more clean-ups to do than I expect; 3) My allergies horribly slow down my pace; 4) Sometimes I resist to face the reality that I am already back. There's (kind of) no return.
- JOB-HUNTING: Similar things happen all over again-- revising/submitting resumes, visiting corporate Web sites, building up/extending connections, thinking outside-of-box again for potential opportunities, reaching out to head hunters....
-Contacted corps: Yahoo! Taiwan, Google Taiwan, Unilever Taiwan, Ogilvy Taiwan, ASUS, 天下遠見, etc
-Contacted head hunters: Manpower Taiwan, Dynatech Business Associates(DBA) - CATCH-UP WITH FRIENDS:
-Cambodia 8 sisters吳哥八姐妹
-Magic 4
-Ken IMC '06
-NTU friends + NTUMUNers
-Wooitee - HAVE FUN:-Watching TV (Welcome back! My Japanese channel)-Keeping my Pipi company :)
From 0904-Back In Taiwan -Lots and Lots and Lots of great food~
-Turtle Island visit with parents: dolphin swimming nearby our boat!!!!From 0904-Back In Taiwan From 090416-Turtle Island -Baseball game with Wooitee, Johnny and MUNers
From 0904-Back In Taiwan |
-Interviewed by Phoenix TV鳳凰衛視 for my overseas medical care experience
-Meeting up with/replying emails to existing/potential IMCers
-Listening to speeches
-Giving a talk on my brother's class in NTOU
Oh I am busy. As always.
IF IKEA Take Over GM....
MySpace Names Ex-Facebook Exec CEO- Peek Into Facebook & MySpace's $$ Model
MySpace Names Ex-Facebook Exec Van Natta CEO
Can He Keep the Revenue Flowing at News Corp. Site Even as U.S. Traffic Drops?
by Abbey Klaassen (April 24, 2009)
NEW YORK (AdAge.com) -- In a heavily anticipated move, MySpace has named former Facebook exec Owen Van Natta as CEO. He replaces Myspace founder Chris DeWolfe, who left the post a day and a half ago but is staying on as an adviser. Mr. Van Natta's hiring was first reported by AllThingsD.com..... to continue reading...
Leave Your Nr With A Sheet of Paper? AXE Shows You The Other Way
Flexible Table for More or Less People?
These are too good to be true! Thanks to Snoopykchih's sharing!
MBTI 職業性格測試報告-Wendy是很妙的[主人型]
分析:您的性格類型是「ESFJ」( 主人型 )
有愛心、有責任心、合作。希望周邊的環境溫馨而和諧,並為此果斷地營造這樣的環境。喜歡和他人一起精確並及時地完成任務。忠誠,即使在細微地事情上也如 此。能體察到他人在日常生活中的所需並竭盡全力幫助。希望自己和自己的所為能受到他人的認可和賞識。
ESFJ 型的人通過直接的行動和合作積極地以真實、實際的方法幫助別人。他們友好、富有同情心和責任感。 ESFJ型的人把他們同別人的關係放在十分重要的位置,所以他們往往具有和睦的人際關係,並且通過很大的努力以獲得和維持這種關係。事實上,他們常常理想化自己欣賞的人或物。
ESFJ型的人往往對自己以及自己的成績十分欣賞,因而他們對於批評或者別人的漠視很敏感。通常他們很果斷,表達自己的堅定的主張,樂於事情能很快得到解決。 ESFJ型的人很現實,他們講求實際、實事求是和安排有序。他們參與並能記住重要的事情和細節,樂於別人也能對自己的事情很確信。他們在自己的個人經歷或在他們所信賴之人的經驗之上制定計劃或得出見解。他們知道並參與周圍的物質世界,並喜歡具有主動性和創造性。
ESFJ型的人十分小心謹慎,也非常傳統化,因而他們能恪守自己的責任與承諾。他們支持現存制度,往往是委員會或組織機構中積極主動和樂於合作的成員 ,他們重視並能保持很好的社交關係。他們不辭勞苦地幫助他人,尤其在遇到困難或取得成功時,他們都很積極活躍。
- 公關客戶經理
- 個人銀行業務員
- 銷售代表
- 人力資源顧問
- 零售商
- 餐飲業主
- 房地產經紀人
- 營銷經理
- 電話營銷員
- 辦公室經理
- 接待員
- 信貸顧問
- 簿記員
- 口筆譯人員
- 房地產經紀人
- 護士
- 按摩師
- 運動教練
- 飲食業管理
- 旅遊管理
- 辦公室行政或管理人員
- 秘書
- 總經理助理
- 項目經理
- 客戶服務部人員
- 理貨員/採購
- 採購和物流管理人員
- 內科醫生
- 牙科醫生
- 健康護理指導師
- 飲食學、營養學專家
- 小學教師(班主任)
- 學校管理者等銀行
- 酒店、大型企業客戶服務代表
- 公共關係部主任
- 商場經理
Turtle Island Visit 龜山島自然行
Photos explains everything. For some professional photos (especially dolphins) please check HERE- provided by one of the amateur photographer in the team.
The Smell- Home and US
I've been back for several days, and spent most of the time at home. Reason? I am ill and I am fighting with the jet lag in every way. Running nose came back to me. My face and body itches, with red dots sometimes. It's so bitter inside of my mouth. I felt lazy in the afternoon when it's time for me to bed if I were in the US (13 hours time difference between Chicago and Taipei). My back aches, and according to my Chinese doctor, my shoulders are tight. I felt mosquito bite super unbearable, especially because I didn't have to worry about this for such a long time already. Oh and by the way, the humidity that made me feel chilly at night and the same humidity that made me sweat in the day time.
But you know, there is something more. I was online checking some updates- couldn't help it. I desired to grab some people's attention, and to talk to them in English. Somehow I refused to unpack, because once things were settled, I would have to admit that everything is so true now. I lost the connections. I officially left.
and I lost you.
Officially, "in the US" was removed from the Title
In less than 12 hours I will be flying, and the direction is called "home." Sounds so not real for some time, but it is so true now. I have collected all the hugs, the great views, the unforgetable companies and the best wishes. So off I go continue on my life journey. Every single person who has supported me throughout my time in the US: Thank you. Please, oh please, keep supporting me in the next phase of my life. It's just because "Daily Wendy" will always be the place I keep all of you updated about my life, no matter where I go, no matter if I am physically with you or not.
Well, I am still sad.....
一年半/1.5 Years
我有句話要說 關於一個故事
有你有我 有笑有淚
我有句話要說 關於一個故事
有你有我 有笑有淚
我們一起 熟悉南北西東
我們一起 搞定臭房東
學業事業啊 柴米油鹽啊
我們一起煩惱 一起皺眉頭
還有還有 那些短信(簡訊)那些問候
加上加上 你煮的菜備的酒
校園裡邊啊 密西根湖畔
啊一年半啊 有你有我
我有句話要說 還好有你有我
世界這麼大 人那麼多
還是那句話說 感謝有你有我
未來不管你在哪 請記得我
(English translation)
I have a line to tell, it is about a story
There are you and me, laughters and tears
A very simple, common story
I have a line to tell, it's about a story
There are you and me, laughters and tears
A very simple, common story
We, together, got familiar with the directions
We, together, fought with the evil landlord
For study and for career, for everyday life,
for if he is a lover or just a friend,
We worried together, we frowned together
Additionally, the text messages you delivered and the greetings you sent
With the dish you cooked and the wine you prepared for me
Those stories inside Northwestern campus, by Lake Michigan,
New Years Eve, the fireworks, the parade, and my piano show
Oh, in the one and a half year, there were you, and there was me
I have a line to tell, thank God there are you and me
The world is huge, and there are so many people
But we can write our stories together
Still, I want to tell you that line: Thank God there are you and me
No matter where you and I will be in the future
Please remember me
"Hello, Wendy speaking~" No more.
So Long! Faculty, Staff and IMCers

It is sad, to realize that this journey really has come to an end. Hugs from Bronwen, Michelle and Eileen were so warm and so unforgetable. I will not forget your kindness and support, and I will always remember to come back visit my friends- those I cared so much, and those kept me in their hearts.
Especially you, Eileen. Especially you. Thank you!
American Classmates' Farewell Dinner Coming~
First John Hancock Signature Lounge "Skyscraper" with Tracy
From Post-NU Life- "Skyscraper" @ JHC, $11.50 |
I will miss the Blues, the architecture, the Lake, the River, the cool wind in summer, the Bean, the Park, the shining night views, the random walk, the boat tour, the breeze of freedom, and even the lousy CTA.
From Post-NU Life- Tracy's visit April 1 |
品嘗這一首詩,如同品嘗 我的生命