
Emilie's Villa Herbs Restaurant, My Pleasant Home-coming Night

託壽星的福,我們跑到了這家隱身在樂利路巷子裡的精緻休閒餐廳Villa Herbs Restaurant吃喝玩樂。周日的晚上客人很少,我們因為有事先訂下包廂,所以偌大的二樓其實只有我們在其中一個房間旁若無人的喧鬧,餐點和飲料我們很隨性的點、隨性的分攤,話題的流動,我們隨性的讓其蔓延、流轉。
出現的人,有好久不見的G同事四枚,教我好多好多東西的前Maps team專家Emilie與Andy,隔壁cubical常被我們吵到、也常一起跟著出去玩的Vince,完全看不出來籃球打這麼好的Jane。還有因為常到sports day一起打球而結緣的Maureen,還有兩個壽星的高中美女同學Allison和Alicia,以及IMC帥哥Noah。我還記得自己在看到老朋友時的興奮,還記得自己講到舊時光時的神采飛揚,還記得我們開的那幾個玩笑,還有那些你的、我的、他的、她的糗事......我也記得大家在討論Halloween Party的熱烈,還有你一言我一語講著國中叛逆往事的高潮迭起,不過印象最深刻的是:


I've always wanted to be someone like you. At least- I've always wanted to be someone you cherish. Thanks for giving me the privilege. Thanks for the home-coming evening that was full of joy and happiness. That meant a lot to me. Really.

And again: Happy Birthday! Emilie :D

The Villa Herbs Restaurant(借用別人的網誌分享)

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