- 2008 Kellogg Marketing Conference
- I enjoyed it a lot! All topics were interesting and provided insightful ideas about some up-to-date concept and about some practice the corporations are doing right now
- I had all electronic notes. Put them online later when I have time?
- Luckily, I knew one new friend, XiaoNan from China and met Jasper from China for a second time~ Thank you Jasper to remember me and come say hello~ Really appreciate your kindness and tolerance :)
- Pedro in China!
- Goodness! I finally got some news from him! He's now in a business trip in China but will be back to Rio, Brazil later in February. "Come visit me in Rio! Come! Come!" We "talked" via Skype so happily, and our concerns for each other brought so much warmth.
- "I miss you~ I love you~" I know, I know! I know......
- Peacock Dancing
- For the Chinese New Year Celebration, I've learnt how to do a traditional peacock dance for some time and will be on stage FEBRUARY THIRD. The dance was complicated, but it was truly graceful and dedicated. I enjoyed a lot!
- Yes Yes Yes, I'll dress up for the dance. Please come and check if you're interested! To see me dancing won't happen again too soon~
- Database group ROCKS!
- To work on project with some smart people was really a pleasant thing. I love it! Matt and Ateeq are creative and smart, Yoonjung is good at doing analysis, Nishant made comments really to the point, and the best of all, our thoughts all worked together to make improvement but not to create conflict!
- Matt, I fell in love with your big place with great view! I guess that's where we all will go for the next, and the next, and the next next next projects~
Quick Points About Life
Mom! I'm so thankful for
a girl from US, Serena;
a girl from Morocco, Myriam;
several girls from China, Annabel, Annie, Kefu;
a boy from India, Nishant;
a girl from Singapore, Rachelle;
a girl from Korea, YoonJung;
a girl from Taiwan, Andrea, etc....
Mommy, I'm really thankful for having this bunch of wonderful friends~ :)
The Day
Seems no one has ever noticed,
I want to cry out loud,
But who would listen to me?
Who cares....
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Thanks to Thomas(FR), several of us went to the game of Chicago Bulls vs. Detroit Pistons yesterday- when the temperature shows -20 C......
Well, we are brave people! We are!
Brave people list: Thomas(FR), Myriam(Morocco), Annabel(CN), Charline(TW), Felix(FR) & Bi(Thai)
and I.
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The game itself was exciting, although the Bulls were never as great as before. We involved ourselves to cheer with the audiences shouting "Defense! Defense!" "Let's Go Bulls!" and tried to distract Pistons from shooting their balls into the basket. Participation made our game soooooo interesting, even Myriam cried out loud some time!
What also worth mentioning was the shows during the breaks. For instance- CHECK THIS. Not only the game, but also the shows were worth watching! Other shows that impressed me included Swing Seniors(Bulls senior supporters went on stage to dance and show their support), Show of Benny the Bull, and several games sponsored by some companies. We never got bored, you see. No one got bored during the time!
As for the result? Bulls Wins- 97:86, it was 3 points away from our reward- a free Big Mac :(
Never mind, we'll be back sometime later!
只因為前兩天忽然被你加入了好友,又被你編輯補充的how do we know each other內容感動到,很奇妙又很直接的,你很快的又在夢境裡面與我重逢。
Happy Friday at Sunny's!
Everywhere is like this==>
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I forgot to take a photo of the magnificent night view from Sunny's window, but I thought when there were so many lovely people together, what was around us became less important~
Cheers! IMCers!
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Student Life Report
- Academic Part:
Four courses this quarter (Jan. 7- Mar. 15)
- Database Marketing & Analysis- TOUGHHHHH
Tons of group assignment either in class or take-home and intensive training on using SPSS and Excel to analyze data.
Five people group projects throughout the quarter till the final one.
Group member: Yoonjung(KR), Ateeq(Pakistan), Nishant(India), Matt(US), and I.
- Media Economics & Technology- Interesting
Tons of readings, but since it centers the very up-to-date issues and helped to understand the new media economy, I expected it a lot~
One group project including presentation (theme unknown) and one take home final.
Group member: Ann(Thai-US), Kara(US) and I.
- Marketing Finance- TOUGHHHHH
Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Cash Flows....
Owner's Equity, Stock, Net Earning....
Yeah I know, I'm not a number people~ I'll suffer a lot for this....
Must become good friend with Excel
Midterm and one huge company analysis group project for final.
Group members of four will be assigned by professor according to midterm scores.
- Stakeholder and Customer Relationship Management
Another interesting/useful subject for me when I'm so far more interested in branding & PR kind of thing.
One group project- new media practice on "Viral Marketing."
Group member: Myriam(Morocco), Annabel(CN), Annie(CN), Nishant(India) and I - Career Related Part:
- Have-to-go OPT workshop
- Find out "WHAT I WANT TO DO!!!!"
- Residency application, including resume revision, cover letter and interview preparation
- Extracurricular Part:
- InNUvation webmaster, ROCSA webmaster
- Full-time IMC Student Advisory Council member meeting three times per quarter
- Academic events, e.g.
- Other social events from time to time, e.g.
- Visited Museum of Contemporary Art downtown Chicago
- ROCSA Ski trip
- Chicago Bulls game, Jan. 19
- "Mom, Close the Door" show, Feb. 1
- MASA New Year's talent show, Feb. 3
- Emotional Part:
- Well, be more independent....
- H relations H relations H relations H relations
- Relationship with God!
Ski Weekend in Wisconsin
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1. So comfortable for skiing now. Blue route? Piece of cake.
I went to take the beginners class in the morning, and soon found out that it's a waste of time for me :P
Left the class, tried some slopes on my own to warm up, and..... fight! I'll never know if I never try!
2. A black diamond route(the most difficult route) by accident
After some more trials in the afternoon, I got a little bit bored about the same route and followed the map attempting to try something fresh. I found one next to two black diamond routes, and took the chairlift up for the challenge. I first bent one of my ski pole and broke it short after I got on the lift, and carelessly hung myself still on the lift when I was supposed to get down while reaching the top (yeah, a staff shut down the system for me and held me down the lift XD). Story continued that Jim, my companion, found out for sure that- there were only black diamond routes!
And I got only one and a half pole with me.......... XD
The result? I survived. (I'm still a complete Wendy)
I amazingly made it by stopping several times on the way to observe the following direction. I was impressed that I conquered my inner fear!
Special thanks also go to Jim!
3. Great fun meeting new friends- Chia-Lin, Jim, and Malcolm!
- Chia-Lin studied in IGP, Northwestern University Chicago campus and came one day earlier to Evanston staying overnight in my dorm.
- Jim, a second year Kellogg MBA student, a Thai-Taiwanese, happened to know one of my NTUMUN friend well. Further, his girlfriend is Joey's current classmate in Harvard MBA!
- Malcolm studied for his MBA PhD in Wisconsin joined our ski trip by chance.
None of us have met one another before.
We did, however, cherished the glamorous moments we had in Alpine Valley Resort.
Stories will continue. They will.....
Someone Has Ketchup in Their Blood
Amazing Thursday Night- Hallyu Speech
Yet, the speech itself was not the only thing which made the night amazing.
One of the key reason that drove me there was to meet Kerry again. He's been so nice to me. So kind as he was, he offered a ride back to Evanston after the speech for me, and we thus got the chance to share our discoveries about Hallyu and to update our lives. Also in the car were his wife, Kayoko and the other elder Japanese lady. I guess you might know what I would say next- exactly, in the cabin, 80% of the time, the dominant language was JAPANESE rather than English :P
This Thursday night was thus sur-real, agree?
Here I Come Again, My SUPER BUSY Life
The load of things/readings has started killing me
Hello Evanston Again!
Although I don't really want to admit that Evanston is "home," it indeed felt good to come back to my place finally~ Especially I knew well that soon I'd meet Serena and had a dinner with her, as well as met Myriam and told her everything happening in my journey!
And everything after I arrived went just as expected, "nice and warm~" Pleasant talk with Serena, Myriam and Annie, efficient laundry and clean-up, and great night sleep. I even got Mom's love package carried and passed by helpful Briana at the night!
What's more, I got a Saturday dinner appointment after I phoned O'Neils at O'Hare Airport.
"I'm back!"What a homey feeling is this?
"Oh, we must meet you before your school starts again!"
The dinner at O'Neils was fantastic, and I heard many interesting stories from them and their neighbors. Pat and Joan prepared red wine, wonderful lamp, baked potatoes and spinach salad for us, and the brownie was awesome, too! Greg, Carol, Judy and Katherine were camping lovers, and their life/travel stories were impressive. According to Joan, this family went for at least one domestic plus one overseas tour once a year. For the domestic one, they prefer driving than flying, and camping than staying in the hotel. Judy went study in Norway for one year and could speak Norwegian now; she has been also an athletic girl who enjoyed hiking, canoing, ice climbing and skiing. Katherine talked a lot about her experiences working in summer camps, and was planning to involve in one again the coming summer. Greg, the dad, was the one pioneered the family to go out exploring the world. He and Carol talked about their going to Belize, carrying all donated items to help improving the education circumstances there while doing some missionary job. They also mentioned their plan to go to Turkey and so on.
All these brought me back to the very issue that bothered me throughout this break again-
- what kind of person am I,
- what is my preference,
- what kind of lifestyle am I pursuing,
- what is my belief and value?
Thank you Lord again to put everything together in your magic way. And,
I Miss My Brazil Trip! But...
中時電子報╱郭篤為/巴拿馬三日電 2008-01-04 03:48
巴西關門 影響我赴巴拉圭
大陸客大量湧入 比下台灣
@Homey Washington DC, Happy New Year 2008!
很快速的跟Wanjung聯絡過後安排好了住宿,再火速訂好了紐約Chinatown出發前往DC Chinatown的Bus,2007年12月30日傍晚六時許,我拖著大行李抵達了再熟悉也不過的DC,唉呀這股回家的感覺!
喔~Homey Washington DC~