
收到感動滿滿的Year end review feedback

  1. Great cross-functional communications. 原本擔心妳無法勝任或者心累身累不想面對,但妳處理得不錯且似乎樂在其中~ Nice! 
  2. Great ownership. 妳需要負責處理的事都可以非常放心交給妳。我們可能忙到忘了回妳這個那個but no worry, 妳會來追問進度(his exact expression: 會來追殺我),妳不會忘!Amazing!
  3. You always speak up! 討論中妳總是樂於分享看法、提出問題,不會特別受限於這想法是不是不一樣、別人怎麼看怎麼想。我們真的需要大家的多元觀點,才不會只在原地打轉。 Nice! 

其實跟主管年末考核完成一段時間了,但他給我的三大回饋,讓我感動好久好久。 其實這些回饋都不算意料之外,因為這些都是我始終如一的做事風格與態度。但在這龐大的組織中,在主管三頭六臂似乎永遠忙不過來盯不太到我每天在忙什麼的狀況下,發現自己的付出與價值,在他眼中其實一清二楚,默默很令人感動。


「You are Only a coordinator. Coordination沒有辦法實際對組織創造更多價值。」 



Seriously? 身為行銷人,在跟PM & RD開會,只被動等待他們把想講的講完,我再看風向決定要不要把行銷團隊、消費者在意的點提出來討論,真的好嗎?

I feel So very Blessed to be at a place, with a team and a leader, who see and cherish my value, and Let Me Shine!

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To companies who possess, or are passionate about obtaining and maintaining global reputation, Wendy is the diligent and professional digital marketer who is experienced in digital marketing, is always energetic about solving challenges in the new media field to help the business grow, and can optimize her contributions by utilizing her multilingual and multicultural background.