
Proud to Be Someone Like You

As passionate and idealistic as you are,
As organized and disciplined as you are,
As intellectual and creative as you are,
As prepared and down-to-earth as you are,
As kind and friendly as you are,
As international and open-minded as you are.

You might not know I've seen you as the role model of my life,
and I never plan to let you know.
It might be too early to make this statement,
but I deeply feel proud of being able to become someone like you.
I will keep trying, trying hard, to prove that I can be.
And I WILL BE :)






如果堅持要說,還是可以說聲七夕快樂的~Happy Chinese Valentine's Day~


Compliments Received

"What a waste of your talents and your global view!"
"No way! You served for G before so you must be qualified for something more valuable than E"
"Impressive presentation. You apparently came prepared."
"We've talked with several other candidates but you are by far the most preferred one."
"You are quite competetitve, though we've only talked shortly."
"You deserve something really good. I just know it!"

Thanks for being so kind to me. Thanks for recognizing my efforts and my true value.
I know it's a tough time for everyone, but I also know, I believe, whoever value me will bring in invaluable assets beyond imagination.

I just know.


Long For

Something solid at hand,
Something apeace me;
Someone listen to me,
Someone there;
Some dreams that last,
Some joys that stays;
Somewhere to release my power,
Somewhere to shine.

So close, yet so far away,
so confused, I am, while I shall not.....


(Whitman) Whoever You are, Holding Me now in Hand

I found this by chance, and I fell for this. The tender shown in this poem touched me deeply and I hope I could find that very special person for myself soon. Oh Whitman, Whitman, who is he that would become my follower?

Whoever You are, Holding Me now in Hand
(Walt Whitman (1819–1892). Leaves of Grass. 1900. )

WHOEVER you are, holding me now in hand,
Without one thing, all will be useless,
I give you fair warning, before you attempt me further,
I am not what you supposed, but far different.
Who is he that would become my follower? 5
Who would sign himself a candidate for my affections?
The way is suspicious—the result uncertain, perhaps destructive;
You would have to give up all else—I alone would expect to be your God, sole and exclusive,
Your novitiate would even then be long and exhausting,
The whole past theory of your life, and all conformity to the lives around you, would have to be abandon’d; 10
Therefore release me now, before troubling yourself any further—Let go your hand from my shoulders,
Put me down, and depart on your way.
Or else, by stealth, in some wood, for trial,
Or back of a rock, in the open air,
(For in any roof’d room of a house I emerge not—nor in company, 15
And in libraries I lie as one dumb, a gawk, or unborn, or dead,)
But just possibly with you on a high hill—first watching lest any person, for miles around, approach unawares,
Or possibly with you sailing at sea, or on the beach of the sea, or some quiet island,
Here to put your lips upon mine I permit you,
With the comrade’s long-dwelling kiss, or the new husband’s kiss, 20
For I am the new husband, and I am the comrade.
Or, if you will, thrusting me beneath your clothing,
Where I may feel the throbs of your heart, or rest upon your hip,
Carry me when you go forth over land or sea;
For thus, merely touching you, is enough—is best, 25
And thus, touching you, would I silently sleep and be carried eternally.
But these leaves conning, you con at peril,
For these leaves, and me, you will not understand,
They will elude you at first, and still more afterward—I will certainly elude you,
Even while you should think you had unquestionably caught me, behold! 30
Already you see I have escaped from you.
For it is not for what I have put into it that I have written this book,
Nor is it by reading it you will acquire it,
Nor do those know me best who admire me, and vauntingly praise me,
Nor will the candidates for my love, (unless at most a very few,) prove victorious, 35
Nor will my poems do good only—they will do just as much evil, perhaps more;
For all is useless without that which you may guess at many times and not hit—that which I hinted at;
Therefore release me, and depart on your way.







偶然,跟著朋友很衝的在周日夏日炎炎的下午驅車殺向白沙灣。開車的Maureen太想到海邊戲水,壽星有兩百萬個要去瘋狂玩耍的理由,Emilie是晴天娃娃出遊沒有她不行,我太想念大水邊、也好想把悶壞了的自己掛到會起風的地方去曝曬、吹乾,So, off we go.

迷路的戲碼無情的一直上演,應該要負責指路的GPS不停的一直reboot,惟一賴以為生的手機行動科技專責lag,動用最原始的口語問路法以後終於我們在4:30抵達白沙灣。是的!那時候已經沒甚麼大太陽了~可是暖一陣涼一陣的水溫、被我們高高拍起三不五時飛向不知名目的地的海灘球、冷不防暴起的一陣大笑、把壽星放肆用沙掩埋為他量身訂做double D+水桶腰+宋七力金光閃閃的那些亮眼時刻、怎麼跳都不對只好動用相機連拍功能才留下我們東倒西歪飛翔身影的嘗試......暢快、放肆、無與倫比。

回程還是迷路,不過Maureen的肚子餓導航系統還是讓我們順利殺進淡水老街吃吃喝喝。炸章魚炸香菇烤鳥蛋烤魷魚巨無霸霜淇淋檸檬汁阿給魚丸湯.....血糖順利補充回升後的我們殺進射擊場贏了一個大氣球斧頭回來,逛了一圈懷舊小店把可樂糖、哨子糖、巧克力煙、戳戳樂、木劍、愛的小手玩了一遍,Vince開心買了兩張木質明信片後還硬是把明信片背後的空白處蓋紀念章蓋到滿,整個忘記至少要留一行寫地址和一點點招呼語。吃完阿給喝完魚丸湯的本日壓軸好戲:把剛剛買到的煙火點燃升空秒殺,然後耍小孩的把一支又一支的仙女棒點起來,靜靜的看火光燃燒、閃爍,把仙女棒舉高高,Just like a star

Thanks folks! Love you~


Summer Time, Pipi's Funny TIme

Yes, Pipi is still a cupboard lover. His other favorate in summer includes the washroom floor (b/c it's chill), mom's suitcase (soft and just about his size), the place before the window (birds and view outside) and my closet (chill inside, great view to see what I'm doing and shift places accordingly).

"How can I love him so much!!!!" Mom said. You just can't help it~
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Value of Apple > Google Thanks to Multi-platform Potential

I happened to saw "Why Apple Is More Valuable Than Google?" on business week today. The discussion starts because of this fact:

As of Aug. 11, Apple was worth $145.87 billion, compared with Google's $143.40 billion... More likely, Apple has more solidly unseated Google as tech's No. 2 powerhouse and is now on track to one day challenge Microsoft for the crown.

But how come? If you have the same question, go read the analysis and you will get the clear picture. Simply put, Apple got various powerful products- hardware like iPhone, iPod, MAC & software like iTunes, Safari, AppStore. Furthermore, every and each one of these gets rooms for further development. The super loyal users, additionally, are so addicted to it and won't go away. Just.... no chance. Indeed Google is powerful in its search business, but it gets only this one cashcow. More risky than Apple's model. More likely to be harmed by antitrust laws.

Diversity. Diversity is the winning key in many fields!




*最新補充:感謝童軍團瑪莉團長補充,為了維持血庫的暢通與新鮮, 請
以此類推, 長期經年累月"供血" 若有第五個星期, 忙碌到忘記捐血的補捐


Those Kept Me Busy

  • Interviews.
PR agency, high-tech company, digital contents/marketing company
  • Learnings.
Project 2009, project management, anything about digital/social media and major players, graphic card market, major software providers' moves, how to make a marketing proposal myself that includes budget estimation and human capital
  • MUN related
Taiwan Model United Nations Development Association(MUNDA) initiation (action plan, intern hiring, documentation, budget planning, Board of Directors & Supervisory Board meeting preparation, etc), WorldMUN 2010 mentoring
  • Entertainment.
Have fun with Pipi, cook for family, Happy Farm/Restaurant City game on facebook, plurking, movie on TV from time to time, meet friends, badminton game with G coworkers

  • Those missing.
A crystal clear plan about who I want to be in the future. Something I will feel terribly passionate about and will burn for it.
Someone who can hear me complain, lend me the shoulder, let me cry and hold me tight. (Yes I am emotional. I desire someone one-dial away. Is that too much?)
The view from high above. The colorful office. Those lovely happy faces. Best time ever.

Stay positive! Stay focused!



剛剛好會在白天醒來晚上睡前心情一煩躁就大聲的轉開Little Rock Star跟著嘶吼的那個。

很 想。
To companies who possess, or are passionate about obtaining and maintaining global reputation, Wendy is the diligent and professional digital marketer who is experienced in digital marketing, is always energetic about solving challenges in the new media field to help the business grow, and can optimize her contributions by utilizing her multilingual and multicultural background.