
Comments from Dinner Tonight

Partner A: Thank you! You did help a lot and outperformed.

Partner B: It's true~ Things were much better than before since you joined the team.

Thumbs up~

Wendy E-News[The Previous Half Year-- Rocking Impressive!]

I just realized that I've been quiet for around half a year-- Wow! That's unacceptable and I should keep you posted~
So here I am-- alive, fine, and missing you as always. :)

For the past six months, naturally, most of my life was occupied by work. I was blessed by my energetic team that I could attend several forms of celebrations for our outstanding achievements in Q1 and Q2. We went shrimp fishing, taste Chinese hot pot, bowling, and crush many more restaurants. When I thought I was purely celebrating with them, my managers mentioned my contributions in public for several times in various forms. "I like the pace of our current marketing practices," he said, "and those reports you conducted were quite helpful for presentations with higher management team." One of the vendor partner also mentioned to my manager, and to me directly, that he loved to cowork with me-- "Wendy's aggressive at work and react promptly. I know I can count on her to make things happen."

Thank you for the support and sweet words. What I know for sure is-- what I've done so far were just some basic values I can offer; my potential and my core competency are far beyond those. I have confidence in this.

Also worth mentioning were my learning at COMPUTEX Taipei 2010 early June. That exhausted me seriously, but I indeed learned a lot. For around two months I prepared everything to host the exhibition, from booth design, print material to human resources allocation. I was there at the booth for five full days, and I sometimes must respond to media interviews. Here's a Mandarin video clip for your reference....

The most unbelievable part, however, was my surprisingly lucky business trip to Suzhou & Shanghai in July.
It was a one-week short visit, but it was a intense one. I met colleagues in Suzhou to streamline our work flow, and visited two factories to understand and to witness how our product was produced. As for Shanghai, I spent time in 3C stores, consulted sales, collected first-hand competitors info to study Chinese market. (Felt so like KFC market research all over again, right?) I found the trip very informative and inspiring. In-depth discovery by oneself always rocks!
It's time to end the workaholic talking now. Alright, time to have some fun-- and I did have fun in Shanghai!

It would be a sin to waste my weekend in Shanghai, so I reconnected with friends met in China, US, or in Taiwan-- Vali, Julia (IMC'08), Grace(IMC'10) and Howard. The warmth I felt from the reunion was tremendous considering our friendship across time and space. I additionally utilized my time to stroll  along Lujiazhui bank, to hit on EXPO Shanghai 2010, to visit Dr. Sun Yat-sen's former residence, and to revisit Taikang Road.

Shanghai remains a glamorous city as usual, and my lovely friends always could make her ever more irresistible. :) 

When it comes to one place on earth where I completely got relaxed during this period of time--Bali, Indonesia.
Thanks to my friend Emilie's company, my five days was beyond description: cerulean sky, marshmallow clouds, beach with tender sand.... Heaven.

We also hit a volcano at Kintamani & rice terrace, got wild in water, ate a ton, spoiled ourselves in luxurious pool villa, did nothing but relax at the Kuta beach, shopping, and (you'll hate me for the last one....) SPAs.

Heaven yeah, we were there to take a break. And Bali fully satisfied us.

Last golden question, where's THE ONE for Wendy? 
Let's pray...... :P




旅行台灣.感動100 官方網站

旅行台灣.感動100 粉絲專頁

旅行台灣.感動100 噗浪社群

This is my beautiful hometown Taiwan. :)







在上海的最後一個週末總不好浪費,於是我把老朋友們連絡連絡,開開心心的就把在美國、在上海或在台灣認識的Howard, Julia, Grace和Vali找出來碰面了。這些可愛的熟面孔從2001年起陸續開始與我有時空交錯的緣分,能夠再次聚首自然讓我感覺異常溫暖。聚會的時間裡,或者在聚會間的空檔,我在陸家嘴河岸邊散步、到了上海美術館、湊熱鬧巡了上海世博、到國父孫中山故居緬懷故人、晃了周(恩來)公館、重遊泰康路.....

上海還是這樣有魅力的一座城市。而我可愛的朋友們,總是能為她添加幾許風情 :)


我們同遊了峇里島的火山、梯田,跳入超清涼的海水玩了大半天的水上活動;我們大啖美食、住了兩晚豪華pool villa、在KUTA海灘上純玩水純發呆、用自在的步調優閒逛街買東西;當然少不了的,還有這種那種精油按摩和SPA。


至於交朋友呢...哎呀,no good luck yet. Wish me luck?



Fall in Love 恋におちて with Olivia

Fall in Love (恋におちて)
Olivia Ong
もしも願いが 叶うなら  /  如果說想實現什麼願望的話
吐息を白い バラに変えて  /  真想把思念的嘆息變成白色的薔薇花
あえない日には 部屋中に飾りましょう  /  在那些無法見到你的日子裡,裝點在房間裡面
貴方を想いながら /  當我一邊想念著你的時候...

Darling, I want you  逢いたくて  /  親愛的,我真的很想你,好想見你
ときめく恋に 駆け出しそうなの  /  想要自由的談一場轟轟烈烈的戀愛
迷子のように 立ちすくむ  /  卻像迷路的人一樣驚慌失措
私をすぐに 届けたくて  /  我真的很想立刻飛到你身邊去

ダイヤル回して 手を止めた  /  但撥出電話的手,卻怎麼也動不了了
I'm just a  woman  /  原來我只是一個女子
Fall in love  /  陷入愛情的女子

If my wishes can be true  /  如果我的願望能成真
Will you change my sighs  /  你能扭轉我的嘆息嘛?
To roses, whiter roses  /  轉換成白玫瑰,更白淨的玫瑰
Decorate them for you  /  用她們來妝點你
Thinking about you every night  /  當我每天晚上想到你
And find out where I am  /  也才發現我在哪裡
I am not living in your heart  /  原來我還沒有住在你心裡....

Darling, I need you  どうしても  /  親愛的,我需要你,熱烈的需要你
口に出せない 願いがあるのよ  /  雖說這是說不出口的奢望,卻是我誠心的祈望
土曜の夜と日曜の  /  周六的夜晚啊,周日的夜晚
貴方がいつも 欲しいから  /  我總是特別的惦記著你

ダイヤル回して 手を止めた  /  但撥出電話的手,卻怎麼也動不了了
I'm just a woman  /  原來我只是一個女子
Fall in love  /  陷入愛情的女子

Darling, you love me 今すぐに  /  親愛的,現在就愛我吧!
貴方の声が聞きたくなるのよ  /  好想立刻聽到你的聲音
両手で頬を 押さえても  /  即使用雙手摀住臉頰,
途方に暮れる 夜が嫌い  /  還是討厭著沒有盡頭的暗夜

ダイヤル回して 手を止めた  /  但撥出電話的手,卻怎麼也動不了了
I'm just a woman  /  原來我只是一個女子  
Fall in love  /  陷入愛情的女子
I'm just a woman  /  原來我只是一個女子
Fall in Love  /  陷入熱戀的女子

I accidentally heard this song today, and I was deeply impressed!
I felt so blessed that I could understand both of the language used in this song- Japanese and English- and touched by the beautiful expressions directly. There's some tender, romantic emotions delivered in the wordings. They are so true and so sincere. Olivia's voice is so sweet to make those words sound incredible.

The Mandarin translation is done by me based on someone else's inputs. I found it better when I try to transform key terms into the way I put it. It thus reflects the original meaning and tone better from my point of view.

Somehow... Maybe, just maybe, it resembles my feeling at some point better,

If you need to know how to pronounce those Japanese words, check THIS out.


Love the Feeling

to be thought of and kept in mind.
You can hardly imagine how important this is to me...

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然後認知到,或許從來 就還沒有走出來....


Lessons from Mommy

看人要寬  但是不能不防
對待大環境  學習了解  多元  尊重
對上以敬  對下以誠  對物、人珍重







My first dinner at Suzhou.....

Yeah I'm sick mentally :P

Watching the Game Together This Way

is fun, is amazing, is legendary.

"Remember to look to the East," you said.
I smiled, but also paused, because that reminded me of something special in the past.

Whatever, I am delighted tonight. This really counts. Will check on you then ;)
To companies who possess, or are passionate about obtaining and maintaining global reputation, Wendy is the diligent and professional digital marketer who is experienced in digital marketing, is always energetic about solving challenges in the new media field to help the business grow, and can optimize her contributions by utilizing her multilingual and multicultural background.