

Hi 親愛的朋友們,

希望你還沒忘了我... 對不起啦,我偷懶賴皮了兩年多才又浮出水面,但你知道我總是念著你的,對吧?


工作先來。我再次加入脫胎換骨的 i 社 ,公司的服務與以往完全不一樣,我的角色也完全不同。我們是全球前幾大的 {G服務} 解決方案提供者,而我身為商務發展經理的重要任務就是幫助公司在亞太區跨國開疆闢土。一年內我締造了生涯紀錄共飛了 11 趟,到美西、香港、澳門、泰國、新加坡、日本各地出差,在最短時間內逼自己學習相關的B2B商務談判技巧、與最多潛在合作夥伴洽談、收集所有陌生市場的情資協助公司評估事業發展可能性。我很幸運能跟一整組專業、互相尊重、心胸開闊的同事們一起合作。我知道我不完美,但跟這樣的團隊一起前行,我們大有可為。

至於感情生活呢,我卡到_一次(笑),但幸好現在有 Mr. Lin 好好的疼著我。
我們在一個朋友舉辦的旅遊咖聚會上認識,之後有了很多意料外的發展。我們很有可能在活動後錯過彼此,如果在另一個場合用別的方式遇見,我們很可能會第一時間把彼此踢出考慮名單,但緣分就這麼神奇,讓現在的我們成為彼此生活中最大的應援者。他聰明、幽默、愛運動、體貼、隨和,而且很珍惜我。他曾在澳洲打工度假兩年、又是個熱愛日本動漫文化的傢伙,所以我們共通的語言很多,也可以一起規劃無數趟日本之旅。不過根據 Mr. Lin 指示,我明年的重要任務之一是把他帶到亞洲以外的世界去探險。以下開放提案 ;)



W E-news- Imperfect 2019

Hi my beloved friends,

I hope you still remember me... I know I know, I've been too lazy on sharing my latest progress. You do know I miss you a lot, right?

For the past two years, A LOT happened. To make it super simple- I rejoined my previous company, and I met a nice guy.

Work-wise, I joined company i again however to run a brand new business with a brand new role. We are now one of the biggest solution providers of {G service} in the world, and I'm helping them to run a multi-national business as a business development manager in APAC. I got my record-high overseas trip by flying 11 times within 2019 to visit the US, HK, SG, Thailand, Japan, and Macau. Getting to learn many hard-core B2B business skills, trying my best to meet with new partners & new markets within the shortest time possible, pushing myself to collect and to digest as much information as possible within impossible timeline, I grew with phenomenal pace. Delightedly, I felt thankful for being in the team that's respectful and open-minded. I'm imperfect, but I know together with this team, we got a chance.

Relationship-wise, I tripped once, but I'm in good hands now with Mr. Lin.
We met at an event with travel fans, and many things happened in the unexpected ways. There's good chance that we'll just passed by each other after the event; It's Very possible for us to cross off each other if we met in another way at another occasion. Luckily, now, we're the biggest cheerleader for each other. He's smart, humorous, sporty, thoughtful, easy-going, and he cherished me. He enjoyed working holiday in Australia for 2 years before, and he's at the same time a big fan of Japanese animation/cartoons/comics and culture. We together can possibly plan numerous trips to visit Japan if we want, but my key mission- assigned by Mr. Lin - is to bring him to go somewhere Outside of Asia for his first visit ever next year. Any proposal? ;)

I'm imperfect, and he knows it. We together, however, got a chance.

May you and the ones you love enjoy a warm, nice Christmas holiday.
May you all enjoy a Very Happy New Year 2020.
To companies who possess, or are passionate about obtaining and maintaining global reputation, Wendy is the diligent and professional digital marketer who is experienced in digital marketing, is always energetic about solving challenges in the new media field to help the business grow, and can optimize her contributions by utilizing her multilingual and multicultural background.