I cried. Can't help it.
Besides Mom and Dad, who can take care of me so carefully?
Who can treat me like I'm a little princess?
Who can stand for my doing things at will selfishly, and who can bear my not caring about others' feelings at all?
Don't I, care about you?
I'm sorry, for being soooooo selfish and so self-centered.
I'm sorry.....
My Real Press Release
Yes, definately real one~ Is not bad, and is quite a good successful example of group power :)
Four bidders worked together to share the expenses and the tasks to do. We competed, and we cooperated. I learned quite much throughout the process, including how to prepare the material to catch the audience and especially the Media's attention. What's more, I leart to negotiate with the logo/dm designer, the government representatives, and most basically- my colleagues and even bosses.
One very important idea I got from this experience was: Always be creative! and Always stay Positive toward my "mission impossible." Also, we always need to take extra efforts to establish and to maintain relationships. Journalists won't come if our topic itself is not controversial/exciting enough, not to mention if our tie between one another is mostly weak(or don't even exist >"<).
Yeah, quite a lot to learn ahead!!
Four bidders worked together to share the expenses and the tasks to do. We competed, and we cooperated. I learned quite much throughout the process, including how to prepare the material to catch the audience and especially the Media's attention. What's more, I leart to negotiate with the logo/dm designer, the government representatives, and most basically- my colleagues and even bosses.
One very important idea I got from this experience was: Always be creative! and Always stay Positive toward my "mission impossible." Also, we always need to take extra efforts to establish and to maintain relationships. Journalists won't come if our topic itself is not controversial/exciting enough, not to mention if our tie between one another is mostly weak(or don't even exist >"<).
Yeah, quite a lot to learn ahead!!
Miroslav Klose Interview
Don't worry if you don't understand German, nor do I!
But please enjoy the "Uh....Uh...." "Aber Uh.... Unter Uh..."
Don't worry if you don't understand German, nor do I!
But please enjoy the "Uh....Uh...." "Aber Uh.... Unter Uh..."
Curt @ KISC!!!
"I arrived!!!"
See how happy he was :)
We had a quick talk early this "morning" when it's 6 something there. He told us that he had a nose bleed on the plane and didn't sleep well, so he gave up to visit Zurich but chose to go to Kandersteg directly. Still fine~ He got 3 months to fool around there anyways!
They had a beer night last night, haha! Typical! And he, as my great brother, has given my letters to several of the people there, including Mark, Ben, Andreas, and Fie. He'll keep distributing them later~ What's more, Fie actually came to him first to say hello. "She's really staying in the kitchen!" Kuan-Ting said. "Then it's good! When you would like to cook them something Taiwanese, you know who to ask for materials and help!"
"Sis, I told them that the 'amount' of English I've heard of for the past few hours surpasses that I've heard of for the past 20 years, and they laughed~"
I could easily imagine :) That's truly my Bro's situation, and that's also the reason why I push him so hard to challenge himself there. Where's the better place to use the language to "live" and "learn" and "have fun"? By hearing him say so, I've known that he'll doing fine~ Also have I known that he's got people's attention and heart somehow.
He also told me that when he was doing the self-introduction, he made fun of himself and said "I guess I'm the shortest boy in this team, and thus it won't be too hard for you guys to recognize me~" See how smart he was! And how humorous he was! He's jus my good boy~~~~:D
Dear Kuan-Ting, please enjoy fully for yourself and for me.
Dear all my good friends in KISC, please take care of him and enjoy this season as much as possible, and please show him your wisdom, your courage, your responsibility, and your careness to him.
Also, please, my good friends in KISC,
cherish him as if you cherished me;
cherish him as if you are cherishing me.
I've lost something that I may not get it back there in KISC, maybe never.
Desperatly whatsoever, I've prayed so hard to keep that with me, forever and ever....
Truly, I miss home in KISC.
Miss home so much, so much, soooooo much.....
See how happy he was :)
We had a quick talk early this "morning" when it's 6 something there. He told us that he had a nose bleed on the plane and didn't sleep well, so he gave up to visit Zurich but chose to go to Kandersteg directly. Still fine~ He got 3 months to fool around there anyways!
They had a beer night last night, haha! Typical! And he, as my great brother, has given my letters to several of the people there, including Mark, Ben, Andreas, and Fie. He'll keep distributing them later~ What's more, Fie actually came to him first to say hello. "She's really staying in the kitchen!" Kuan-Ting said. "Then it's good! When you would like to cook them something Taiwanese, you know who to ask for materials and help!"
"Sis, I told them that the 'amount' of English I've heard of for the past few hours surpasses that I've heard of for the past 20 years, and they laughed~"
I could easily imagine :) That's truly my Bro's situation, and that's also the reason why I push him so hard to challenge himself there. Where's the better place to use the language to "live" and "learn" and "have fun"? By hearing him say so, I've known that he'll doing fine~ Also have I known that he's got people's attention and heart somehow.
He also told me that when he was doing the self-introduction, he made fun of himself and said "I guess I'm the shortest boy in this team, and thus it won't be too hard for you guys to recognize me~" See how smart he was! And how humorous he was! He's jus my good boy~~~~:D
Dear Kuan-Ting, please enjoy fully for yourself and for me.
Dear all my good friends in KISC, please take care of him and enjoy this season as much as possible, and please show him your wisdom, your courage, your responsibility, and your careness to him.
Also, please, my good friends in KISC,
cherish him as if you cherished me;
cherish him as if you are cherishing me.
I've lost something that I may not get it back there in KISC, maybe never.
Desperatly whatsoever, I've prayed so hard to keep that with me, forever and ever....
Truly, I miss home in KISC.
Miss home so much, so much, soooooo much.....
Again? The Only Female?
It looked like that I'll be the only girl heading to the Mt. Ho-whan on 30 June-2 July...
What's up? Where's the other girls??
I'm still the only one who enjoys challenge and risky activities?
(Oh well, maybe not challenging at all, but by some people's definition......)
What's up? Where's the other girls??
I'm still the only one who enjoys challenge and risky activities?
(Oh well, maybe not challenging at all, but by some people's definition......)
11 Letters
carry numerous greetings and missings.
20:10 tonight, 16 June, Kuan-Ting my brother will fly away to KISC, my permanent hometown in Swiss and start his exciting new life-turning challenge there. Besides helping him prepare his luggage, I suddenly thought of asking him to bring something there for me, to show my concern toward people, as well as letting them know I truly treasured my life there.
I didn't plan to write too much to too many people, but it ended up to be 11 letters filled with my flowing words and missings. If not that I'm so tired now, I will keep writing to some more persons that I didn't really mean to neglect....
Oh, I still wonna be packed inside Kuan-Ting's suitcase, and be brought there.....
20:10 tonight, 16 June, Kuan-Ting my brother will fly away to KISC, my permanent hometown in Swiss and start his exciting new life-turning challenge there. Besides helping him prepare his luggage, I suddenly thought of asking him to bring something there for me, to show my concern toward people, as well as letting them know I truly treasured my life there.
I didn't plan to write too much to too many people, but it ended up to be 11 letters filled with my flowing words and missings. If not that I'm so tired now, I will keep writing to some more persons that I didn't really mean to neglect....
Oh, I still wonna be packed inside Kuan-Ting's suitcase, and be brought there.....
I Want My Mommy
Back, to normal.
To be the lovely person I know,
To be the energetic person I know.
Tears come to me so often recently, especially at nights.
As weak as I am, that is just the case.
Ask me to grow up? Why this way?
May I refuse to do so?
Mommy, come back to your baby, ok?
To be the lovely person I know,
To be the energetic person I know.
Tears come to me so often recently, especially at nights.
As weak as I am, that is just the case.
Ask me to grow up? Why this way?
May I refuse to do so?
Mommy, come back to your baby, ok?
Be Tolerate
to me even if
-I'm worried about my mom and have no mood to talk at all.
-I'm selfish and childish, and forget that you're also the person who needs company.
-I have to wake up so early and still request for morning calls.
-I disturb you so late at night, thus you cannot sleep tight.
Thank you so much, Philip. Thank you for being so nice to me.
-I'm worried about my mom and have no mood to talk at all.
-I'm selfish and childish, and forget that you're also the person who needs company.
-I have to wake up so early and still request for morning calls.
-I disturb you so late at night, thus you cannot sleep tight.
Thank you so much, Philip. Thank you for being so nice to me.
運豬人李松鑫與他的柔道學生 ◎作者:陳豐偉
《 1 》
凌晨,我跟在運豬車後面。成人大小、去掉內臟的豬隻雙腳舉起,吊掛在卡車上,隨著卡車轉彎的旋律搖晃,微微顫動。陰暗的夜裡,露出脊骨的開腹豬肉波浪般抖 動,竟有種無法言喻的美感。李松鑫花了一小時將數十頭成豬吊掛在卡車裡,然後每運送到一個攤位,他就要扛著八十公斤重的豬屍體,像過肩摔一樣——但輕輕的 ——將豬放在攤位上,從名間、草屯一路送到彰化芬園。
民國九十三年七月,擅長角力、柔道的體育老師林靜妙來到草屯國中,發現李松鑫精 神、體力長期透支的狀況,主動提出由她負責晨間訓練,李松鑫才有機會回家好好睡一覺。之前,他把卡車停好,回家小睡,六點半還得到學校的道場督促學生。為 何如此辛苦,還要在外兼差?因為,他的柔道班學生三分之二來自山區的原住民家庭,多數家境貧寒,學校能提供的資源有限,學費、住宿費、比賽費用,常要靠教 練張羅、代墊。更不用說,李松鑫也有兩位成長中的小孩,而專任教練的薪水,一個月實領不到三萬元。
問李松鑫為什 麼能在艱 辛的環境中持續付出十一年?木訥的他簡單地說,民國八十四年,草屯國小體育組長希望成立提倡武德的體育團隊,於是找練過柔道、正在餐廳當廚師的他來當教 練。李松鑫利用餐廳下午休息的空檔教課,草屯國小柔道隊很快就得到獎牌,打出名號,草屯國中便成立柔道隊來銜接。五年前,縣政府發現李松鑫的學生成績很 好,聘請他擔任專任教練,於是李松鑫辭去廚師工作。可是,專任教練的薪水比廚師少,李松鑫只好再找一個晚上兼差的工作。
曾經有撐不下去 的念頭嗎?李松鑫說,九二一之後,有一段時間他很想放棄,可是想到當初對朋友的承諾,他又咬著牙堅持下去。許多對學科缺乏興趣、活力十足、難以規範的學 生,在體育團隊中可以培養團隊合作的人生觀、建立自我認同的目標。從國小就開始練柔道的李松鑫清楚地瞭解這點,所以不肯放棄。尤其,他協助的對象,還是最 弱勢的原住民小孩。
如同多數山區原住民的命運,新鄉部落的產業模式是:把土地租給漢人,租期數年,先拿幾十萬。幾十萬蓋個房子就沒了,然後原住民要到自己的土地上當臨時工。 臨時工工資不高,也不是天天有工作做,一下雨就沒有工錢拿,收入很不穩定。原住民的小孩很努力,週末回家還要幫忙田裡的工作。可是,城鄉差距加上文化差 異,讓山區原住民小孩進入都市,學業上幾乎都是輸家。這時,練好體育,是他們所能想到最穩健的一條路。
兩年前,新鄉部落八名國小六年級 女生,彼此約好一起到草屯投奔李松鑫。才十二歲的小女生,就要離開媽媽,自己洗衣服、自己吃飯,一星期只能回家一次。每天晚上,小女生都要哭著打電話回 家,一回家就捨不得離開、晚上一定要抱著媽媽一起睡,一定要拖到星期一一大早才趕回學校。媽媽到學校參觀,看到女兒被大力地摔在墊子上,常會難過地衝到外 面大哭。可是,為了前途,小女生也只能忍住眼淚,繼續打拼。
強調武德訓練的運動競技,如果遇到重視身教、言教的好教練,所能提供的不只是運動技巧,還包括生活管理、品行教育,以及自尊自信的建立。從國姓國中空手道 班、草屯國中柔道隊,再再說明,對於城鄉差距、文化差異、破碎家庭、中輟生等引發的青少年教育問題,運動競技團隊是一帖良藥。
如果你有自己的 blog 或個人新聞台,請你轉載這篇文章所有圖文,但請記得加上回到原始網頁的連結,讓網友能追蹤進一步消息。也歡迎你在邊欄加上本次活動貼紙。
如果你還想幫什麼忙,請寫信到blog@corp.url.com.tw ,留下你的聯絡方式、 blog 或個人新聞台網址。等李教練準備好接受社會大眾捐款,你一定能協助把訊息再次傳出去。
寫這篇文章,並不是想要快速募款。一年幾十萬,就可以大幅改善李教練的處境,募款難度不高。問題在於,我們需要讓更多人來瞭解、一起來關心運動團隊在教育 體系裡的處境。李松鑫可能是這些專任教練裡最令人感動的故事,但還有許多運動教練,同樣透支自己的資源,有意或無意地輔導對學科缺乏興趣的青少年走上正 途。
運豬人李松鑫與他的柔道學生 ◎作者:陳豐偉
《 1 》
凌晨,我跟在運豬車後面。成人大小、去掉內臟的豬隻雙腳舉起,吊掛在卡車上,隨著卡車轉彎的旋律搖晃,微微顫動。陰暗的夜裡,露出脊骨的開腹豬肉波浪般抖 動,竟有種無法言喻的美感。李松鑫花了一小時將數十頭成豬吊掛在卡車裡,然後每運送到一個攤位,他就要扛著八十公斤重的豬屍體,像過肩摔一樣——但輕輕的 ——將豬放在攤位上,從名間、草屯一路送到彰化芬園。
民國九十三年七月,擅長角力、柔道的體育老師林靜妙來到草屯國中,發現李松鑫精 神、體力長期透支的狀況,主動提出由她負責晨間訓練,李松鑫才有機會回家好好睡一覺。之前,他把卡車停好,回家小睡,六點半還得到學校的道場督促學生。為 何如此辛苦,還要在外兼差?因為,他的柔道班學生三分之二來自山區的原住民家庭,多數家境貧寒,學校能提供的資源有限,學費、住宿費、比賽費用,常要靠教 練張羅、代墊。更不用說,李松鑫也有兩位成長中的小孩,而專任教練的薪水,一個月實領不到三萬元。
問李松鑫為什 麼能在艱 辛的環境中持續付出十一年?木訥的他簡單地說,民國八十四年,草屯國小體育組長希望成立提倡武德的體育團隊,於是找練過柔道、正在餐廳當廚師的他來當教 練。李松鑫利用餐廳下午休息的空檔教課,草屯國小柔道隊很快就得到獎牌,打出名號,草屯國中便成立柔道隊來銜接。五年前,縣政府發現李松鑫的學生成績很 好,聘請他擔任專任教練,於是李松鑫辭去廚師工作。可是,專任教練的薪水比廚師少,李松鑫只好再找一個晚上兼差的工作。
曾經有撐不下去 的念頭嗎?李松鑫說,九二一之後,有一段時間他很想放棄,可是想到當初對朋友的承諾,他又咬著牙堅持下去。許多對學科缺乏興趣、活力十足、難以規範的學 生,在體育團隊中可以培養團隊合作的人生觀、建立自我認同的目標。從國小就開始練柔道的李松鑫清楚地瞭解這點,所以不肯放棄。尤其,他協助的對象,還是最 弱勢的原住民小孩。
如同多數山區原住民的命運,新鄉部落的產業模式是:把土地租給漢人,租期數年,先拿幾十萬。幾十萬蓋個房子就沒了,然後原住民要到自己的土地上當臨時工。 臨時工工資不高,也不是天天有工作做,一下雨就沒有工錢拿,收入很不穩定。原住民的小孩很努力,週末回家還要幫忙田裡的工作。可是,城鄉差距加上文化差 異,讓山區原住民小孩進入都市,學業上幾乎都是輸家。這時,練好體育,是他們所能想到最穩健的一條路。
兩年前,新鄉部落八名國小六年級 女生,彼此約好一起到草屯投奔李松鑫。才十二歲的小女生,就要離開媽媽,自己洗衣服、自己吃飯,一星期只能回家一次。每天晚上,小女生都要哭著打電話回 家,一回家就捨不得離開、晚上一定要抱著媽媽一起睡,一定要拖到星期一一大早才趕回學校。媽媽到學校參觀,看到女兒被大力地摔在墊子上,常會難過地衝到外 面大哭。可是,為了前途,小女生也只能忍住眼淚,繼續打拼。
強調武德訓練的運動競技,如果遇到重視身教、言教的好教練,所能提供的不只是運動技巧,還包括生活管理、品行教育,以及自尊自信的建立。從國姓國中空手道 班、草屯國中柔道隊,再再說明,對於城鄉差距、文化差異、破碎家庭、中輟生等引發的青少年教育問題,運動競技團隊是一帖良藥。
如果你有自己的 blog 或個人新聞台,請你轉載這篇文章所有圖文,但請記得加上回到原始網頁的連結,讓網友能追蹤進一步消息。也歡迎你在邊欄加上本次活動貼紙。
如果你還想幫什麼忙,請寫信到blog@corp.url.com.tw ,留下你的聯絡方式、 blog 或個人新聞台網址。等李教練準備好接受社會大眾捐款,你一定能協助把訊息再次傳出去。
寫這篇文章,並不是想要快速募款。一年幾十萬,就可以大幅改善李教練的處境,募款難度不高。問題在於,我們需要讓更多人來瞭解、一起來關心運動團隊在教育 體系裡的處境。李松鑫可能是這些專任教練裡最令人感動的故事,但還有許多運動教練,同樣透支自己的資源,有意或無意地輔導對學科缺乏興趣的青少年走上正 途。
Reach the Top!
I went indoor rock climbing again in the Youth Centre downtown Taipei, and broke my personal record~~ (fireworks~)
I reached one of the top of the walls, had 5m left for another one, and stopped at a overhand part that was over 8m in height- BAREFEET.
You're right, I didn't wear the climbing shoes and I made them!
Should be proud of myself :D
And, it's also quite great to know Mark and David, friends of Rebecca. They're good guys, and helped quite a lot as precursors. Hope to meet them all again next Thursday~~
I reached one of the top of the walls, had 5m left for another one, and stopped at a overhand part that was over 8m in height- BAREFEET.
You're right, I didn't wear the climbing shoes and I made them!
Should be proud of myself :D
And, it's also quite great to know Mark and David, friends of Rebecca. They're good guys, and helped quite a lot as precursors. Hope to meet them all again next Thursday~~
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To companies who possess, or are passionate about obtaining and maintaining global reputation, Wendy is the diligent and professional digital marketer who is experienced in digital marketing, is always energetic about solving challenges in the new media field to help the business grow, and can optimize her contributions by utilizing her multilingual and multicultural background.