
Considerations from You

Warmth from you.

Few words needed to be said, but I knew you value my opinion and cared my life.
You replied to my words sincerely, and I knew even the contacts were only periodically-- you paid full attention to each. That's quite enough for me.

Just..... if you were...


Too Shocked

Two people are leaving the team.
Two great teachers who helped A LOT to guide me to my current stage.
I was totally shocked and speechless. I thought them joking, but truth be told-- it's crystal real.

Least could be done to keep them with us, and I would say..... for talents like them, they deserve some better opportunities. They both deserve someone/some company to value them highly and to give them the best stage to perform.

They should not limit themselves here, in this cage.

Work becomes tougher from now on, much tougher.
Extreme challenge begins....


Counting Down-3

7... 1st year in school; 1st time to be elected as class leader; 1st time to know I'm relatively talkative... it's an endless 1st sth. list~

8... I got a blush on my cheeks upon seeing a special boy; I love singin', dancin'&rope skippin' w/ friends. I thought I'm a big lady then.

9... Officially I became a brownie scout; officially I had 2 attend extra classes w/ many geniuses. That's when I learned the word "busy"?















周末除了休息,還是應該多和朋友聚聚的。因為他們,才造就了今日的我。也因為他們,我才會因著一點點奇特的觸發重新找回生命的活力。Love you all!


Counting Down-2

10... Edited & published 2 vol. of my newspaper w/ 3 girlfriends! Although passed tests for both chord & orchestra, I chose to stay in regular class. Just couldn't give up scouting life and gift class friends :)

11... A baseball rolled to me with "I like U" on it- a moment of my life. I remembered my happy face & his. The happiness lasted long & meant huge!

12...I won my 1st Mayor's Award upon graduation; got 18 badges b/f the end of brownie scout; cried hard&waved bye w/ my favorite class, ever


Counting Down

13... When 13, I learned the world's cruel. Those follow the rule, refuse to cheat & live with integrity may be segregated. Like... me.

14... When 14, he taught me how to love; he held me tight. I lived up to him to forget all the hardship in school. Still thought of him sometimes. Sometimes.

15... Barely remembered what happened.. Days in Junior High were mostly painful, dark. On top of that, he left... My BEST thing in 15 was becoming great friends with Isabel~~~

16...When 16, a precious friend Alice light' up my boring high school life; I stepped onto Mongolia as a teen diplomat & fell for prairies+sky

17... When 17, I struggled to prove to the world (well, at least NTU prof.) I'm seriously aiming at being a great potential diplomat. Goal!!

18... When 18, I started to learn Japanese and made many JP friends. I was excited about going to Brazil next year for WorldMUN. I was cherished and loved by someone, though it turned out hurting me quite bad afterwards....:P

19... When 19, Brazil amazed my spring, scouting camps packed my summer. Starting from Sept. MUN and JP studies occupied all my leisure time. Believe it or not, I enjoyed my life then!

20... When 20, my team took 23 people to Germany for MUN. I learned lion dance for our talent show. I also met my idol- the ideal/desired half.

21.... When 21, Hardvard WorldMUN@ Egypt rocked my new year followed by kickoff of 1st TW National MUN; BUT I failed to start my story with him

22.... When 22, I left NTU, failed my US grad school application, visited & lost in Tunisia, became a pinkie for 3mth in Kandersteg Swiss!

23... When 23, I turned my limited internet skills into powerful tools, and I grew rapidly. I managed gigantic blogs for work and several for personal pleasure. Amazing world that is!

24... When 24, my presentation in Malaysia impressed the crowds. I kept low, but more and more heard about me via my blogs and works. Most shocking: someone proposed- I refused.

25... Turning point: Visited Cambodia & got 8 sisters; NU IMC life kicked off in freezing yet pretty Chicago; peacock dance learned and performed on my birthday!

26... Highlight- I LOVE Google. Google loves me. If the love stays longer...


Calender Chicago

A coworker came back from a business trip in the West Coast, US. He prepared calendars for everyone in the team, and I got one featuring CHICAGO!!!!!!!

Everybody agrees that it was a kind and thoughtful one.
I LOVE it and couldn't help screaming upon receiving it!

Chicago, oh Chicago.
Chicago, oh Chicago.


[轉錄] 持台灣護照免簽證or落地簽證國家

巴林Bahrain (Middle East):
落地簽 7天 在機場申辦最多為期7天

孟加拉Bangladesh (S. Asia):
落地簽 30天 適用於「商務目的並須備孟加拉當地廠商或政府出具之邀請函件」

布吉納法索Burkina Faso (W. Africa):
落地簽證 30天 如自台北出發,請先向布國駐台大使館申辦簽證。如自他國出發,請向布國駐該國大使館申辦,倘居住地未設有布國大使館者可以落地簽證方式入境布國。詳情請逕洽布國大使館。(有外交替代役男在的地方)

柬埔寨Cambodia (S.E. Asia):
落地簽證 30天  

哥倫比亞Columbia (S. America):
免簽證 60天 入境時需申明為觀光或拜訪,並述明停留日期及出示回程機票

古巴Cuba (M. America):
落地簽證 30天 須於入境時購買觀光卡,該卡一般效期為30天

多明尼加Dominican Republic (M. America):
落地簽證 30天 須於多國駐台大使館或抵多國機場時購買售價10美元之觀光卡,即可入境多國。 
厄瓜多Ecuador (S. America):
免簽證 90天 自97年6月20日起實施,以觀光為目的、不分入境次數、於一年內得入境停留累積天數至多90天。 

埃及Egypt (N. Africa):
落地簽證 30天 可持憑六個月以上效期之中華民國護照、來回機票證明及美金15元於抵達開羅國際機場通關前申辦落地簽證。

薩爾瓦多El Salvador (M. America):
免簽證 90天 薩國自94年7 月1日起恢復對持我國普通護照前往薩國之人士收取10美元之觀光卡費用。

斐濟Fiji (Pacific Island):
落地簽證 120天  

甘比亞Gambia (W. Africa):
免簽證 90天 (有外交替代役男在的地方) 

格瑞那達Grenada (M. America):
免簽證 90天  

關島Guam (Pacific Island, US):
免簽證 45天

瓜地馬拉Guatemala (M. America)):
免簽證 30天  

海地Heidi (M. America):
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宏都拉斯Honduras (M. America):
免簽證 90天

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落地簽證 30天  

愛爾蘭Ireland (W. Europe):
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日本Japan (N.E. Asia):
免簽證 90天

約旦Jordan (Middle East):
落地簽證 14天  

肯亞Kenya (E. Africa):
落地簽證 90天  

吉里巴斯Republic of Kiribati (Pacific Island):
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韓國S. Korea (N.E. Asia):
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列支敦斯登Lichtenstein (M. Europe):
免簽證 90天 持憑我國有效普通護照及有效之多次入境申根簽證

澳門Macau (S. China):
免簽證 30天  

馬達加斯加Madagascar (E. Africa):
落地簽證 30天  
馬來西亞Malaysia (S.E. Asia):
落地簽證 14天
入境地點限:吉隆坡國際機場、檳城國際機場、柔佛州南部Senai國際機場、沙勞越之古晉國際機場、沙巴之亞庇國際機場及Sultan Abu Bakar新柔長堤第二通道等六處。

馬爾地夫Maldives (S. Asia):
落地簽證 30天

馬紹爾群島Republic of Marshall Island (Pacific Island):
落地簽證 30天  

密克羅尼西亞聯邦Federated States of Micronesia (Pacific Island):
免簽證 30天  

諾魯Nauru (Pacific Island):
免簽證 30天

尼泊爾Nepal (S. Asia):
落地簽證 30天 需先提資料在當地取簽證

紐西蘭New Zealand (Pacific Island):
免簽證 90天

尼加拉瓜Nicaragua (M. America):
落地簽證 90天 於抵達時須購觀光卡(Tourist Card)美金5元

紐埃Niue (Pacific Island):
免簽證 30天 須備妥確認回(續)程機票足夠財力證明

北馬里安納群島(塞班、天寧及羅塔等島.)North Mariana (Pacific Island):
免簽證 45天

阿曼Arman (Middle East):
落地簽證 21天 經由網路電子化簽證直接申請入境阿曼之落地簽證,所持護照須6個月以上效期,在入境阿曼王國機場、港口等海關,繳交於網路上填妥之申請表格及阿曼幣6元。

帛琉Palau (Pacific Island):
免簽證 30天  

巴拿馬Panama (M. America):
落地簽證 90天 須先向所搭乘之航空公司購買索取觀光卡Tourist Card(Tarjetade Rurismo)

秘魯Peru (S. America):
免簽證 90天  

薩摩亞Samoa (Pacific Island):
免簽證 30天 須備妥回(續)程機票

塞席爾Republic of Seychelles (E. Africa):
落地簽證 30天

新加坡Singapore (S.E. Asia):
免簽證 30天  

索羅門群島Salomon Islands (Pacific Island):
落地簽證 90天  

斯里蘭卡Sri Lanka (S. Asia):
落地簽證 30天  

聖克里斯多福Saint Christopher and Nevis (Pacific Island):
免簽證 最長期限90天

聖露西亞Saint Lucia (Pacific Island):
免簽證 無明確停留天數之限制

聖文森Saint Vincent and the Grenadines(Pacific Island):
免簽證 30天  

史瓦濟蘭Swaziland (S. Africa):
免簽證 14天  

泰國Thailand (S. Asia):
落地簽證 15天  

東帝汶East Timor (S.E. Asia):
落地簽證 30天  

吐瓦魯Tuvalu (Pacific Island):
落地簽證 30天  

烏干達Uganda (E. Africa):
落地簽證 180天  

英國Great Britain (W. Europe):
免簽證 180天

萬那杜Vanuatu (Pacific Island):
落地簽證 30天


About the Recent Google China News

I support Google's spirit and admire its guts!

Gosh, I'm amazingly lucky to be in the Beijing office for a week.....
Might be..... a historical moment......


Wendy E-News[Get An Energetic Tiger Year with You in 2010]

First of all, with my lovely little tiger Pipi in my arms, allow me to say Happy New Year to you! Hope each and everyone of you get a brand new year, brand new dreams with so many exciting challenges and those you cherished surrounding you!
When looking back at what I have done within this period of time-- first thing first-- I've passed the probation of A company and can now claim that I'm a full-time staff. With many helps and advices from my manager and my coworkers, I survived the training to work as both a Sales PM and a Marketing PM; I worked on several competitive analysis, market research, and internal XX ROI analysis within limited time with above-the-standard quality; I helped review and renew some working processes and rules; I supported several exhibitions and media visit preparations; totally out of my manager's expectation, I couldn't help working on some additional research to convince the team about other valuable concepts for us, such as SEO.

Totally, work was tough, and I missed the time on the 73 floor badly. But I also understood that I must move forward steadily....

Actually..... I volunteered to work on something even exhausting. With the request and encouragement of Joey, my NTUMUN president always, and the supports of other alum, we together started up the "Taiwan Model UN Development Association" to integrate more resources for model UN event promotions in Taiwan. Quietly I became the president of the preparatory board; also quietly I was assigned as the Secretary General for the Association. I led the administrative, PR and finance specialists to go through all establishment processes and may officially get up and running at the end of January 2010.

Align with that, I served as one of the consultants for Harvard World Model UN 2010 in Taipei. That is a history-breaking thing that ever happened for NTUMUN society in 10 years. The staff team is the most powerful one ever. They have to prepare for the event with around 2,000 students from 200 universities and more than 50 countries in the world. Much more exciting, there will be around 18 delegations from Taiwan to attend the conference! I was constantly inspired and astonished by the work the staff team has done when meeting with them. From my point of view, all core staff can enroll in Harvard MBA directly after graduation! (If you're willing to know more, even better-- if you are thinking of donating or being of help in other ways, feel free to leave me a message!)

Okay, the heavy part of life should stop here. What follows is the Wendy-style never-ending life of laughters and fun!
  • Who says that Taiwanese doesn't celebrate Halloween? I did-- with so many cute fellows in the place I LOVE so deeply!
    From 091031- Halloween Party
  • My super lucky year made it possible for me to catch up the team-building trip to Hong Kong for 2 days. (Thanks G for bringing me up to Beijing! Thanks A for showing me Hong Kong!)
  • From 981106-08 HK
  • Christmas wasn't wasted either. I had a crazy "passed celebrity" party with coworkers, and I got together with the 8 sisters to enjoy vegetarian hot pot and impressive gifts!
    From 091224-27-Christmas
  • Some other reunions/get-togethers/birthday parties/farewell parties of NTU friends, Chicago friends, elementary school friends and so on.... I did enjoy quite a bit to keep myself in high spirit!
Year 2009 was indeed not a smooth year. When I took a quick glance of it, however, it wasn't that bad. Wishes you all the best in 2010-- With me :)

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如果回來看看這段時間我到底做了甚麼好事:正業先來--我順利通過了A公司的三個月考驗,可以大方說自己是個正職員工了。感謝主管以及同事們的栽培和信任,我活過了被Sales PM和Marketing PM雙重腳色夾殺的忙翻天時期;有效率且有品質的完成了幾次被臨時指派的競爭者分析、市場研究調查、公司內部XX成效分析;協助檢視與更新了一些工作流程或規則;支援了幾次參展、佈展或媒體拜訪的準備;我還傻傻的做了一些主管沒叫我做,我卻忍不住就做完的分析研究,並試圖說服團隊重視那些看似不起眼的小角落,譬如SEO.....



與這個任務密切相關的,就是我為台大模聯創社以來最大的十年盛事Harvard World Model UN 2010擔任顧問角色的付出。學弟妹是有史以來最厲害的一群,他們肩負這項即將吸引來自世界50多國、200多校、約2,000名大學生活動的籌備任務,台灣也將史無前例的有18所大專院校學生要共襄盛舉,做為一個出一張嘴的小小顧問,我每每在與學弟妹們開會時受到極大的鼓舞與震撼。哎呀~擔任活動籌備的核心幹部每一個都可以直接送進Harvard MBA啦!(想知道更多?願意為五天的活動出錢出資源出力?歡迎留言聯絡我!)

  • 誰說萬聖節不是台灣人會過的節日?我過了!而且我跟一大群人一起到那令我魂牽夢縈的地方盡興玩耍!
    From 091031- Halloween Party
  • Wendy神奇的好運年硬是讓我趕上公司旅遊,跑到香港兩天兩夜吃香喝辣看風景!(謝謝G帶我到北京、謝謝A送我遊香港!)
  • From 981106-08 HK
  • 聖誕節我也沒閒著,因為有同事瘋狂的歷史人物趴,還有吳哥姐姐們溫馨的素食火鍋加拿禮物拿到手軟小聚會!
    From 091224-27-Christmas
  • 其他零零碎碎與大學同學的團圓飯、芝加哥回台好友的聚會、小學同學與五湖四海好友的慶生趴送行趴為了認識更多朋友就來趴....我也沒漏掉太多。這樣才能保持生命的活力啊!

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To companies who possess, or are passionate about obtaining and maintaining global reputation, Wendy is the diligent and professional digital marketer who is experienced in digital marketing, is always energetic about solving challenges in the new media field to help the business grow, and can optimize her contributions by utilizing her multilingual and multicultural background.