
Birthday, Chinese New Year Celebration

I receive birthday wishes more than expected :) Wonderful!
Countless people sent/posted/delivered their wishes via so diverse ways: Fie(DK) in Denmark, Kathleen(ZA) + Wooi-Tee(MY) in London, Andrea(CH) in Switzerland, Alex(DE) in Germany, Jon(TW) in Thailand, Eric Khoo(MY) in Kuala Lumpur, Marian(TW) in Chicago, Wanjung(TW) + Kazu(JP) in Washington DC, Thomas(TW) in Seattle, Shehand(TW) in New York, Anita(TW) in North Carolina, Explore scouts + Craig + Mom + Isabel + Howard in Taiwan, NU classmates and other friends....

I was so surrounded by all your love! How can I pay you all back, sweeties?

Special thanks also goes to Serena! Your hand-made card was truly touching. Thank our Lord to linked us together! Thanks Chia-Ying for the surprise card~ This little piece was cute~

Additionally, the Chinese New Year performance went successful! I made no mistake for our peacock dance, yay~~(so far no clear photo, I'll try to collect some and share with you later!) For those people I invited to come, though they didn't understand fully on what's going on, they all enjoy some part of the show and the atmosphere, which was great to know. After my performance, I did translation for Stacy, my host-family sister, and her friend Daniel for some time and proceeded to translate for Martin(DE) later. I was glad that my translation helped for them to enjoy our show!
寄件者 080203-Chines...

Joan, Stacy &I
Peacock dancing was complicated to learn, but I enjoyed the feeling to try something new, something I didn't know before (maybe won't know later as well). I was envious of the other performers, because they at least got one special skill to perform and to introduce to other people some core concept of Chinese culture. I wish I would have learnt some Chinese opera/dancing/instruments before.....:(

Yet, at least I was trying! And I made it this time!

Happy Happy Birthday Wendy~
You are now, officially a quarter of a century old ~

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To companies who possess, or are passionate about obtaining and maintaining global reputation, Wendy is the diligent and professional digital marketer who is experienced in digital marketing, is always energetic about solving challenges in the new media field to help the business grow, and can optimize her contributions by utilizing her multilingual and multicultural background.