
Quickly Update- Bad News

Oh well dear my friends, if you're not comfortable with reading English, I apologize. The reason that I'm back to English mode again is- unfortunatly, again, my laptop broke down.

If you've known me long enough, that you've heard about another laptop break-down story happen in Switzerland in 2005, it's ALL COMING BACK TO ME this time. The difference is, this time before it died, there was no single warning. I went to the ladies room for a minute with my laptop on, and after I came back to the classroom, "Wala," I got the blue screen with the "cannot be more familiar tragedy."

So, what's my loss? All documents- school notes, projects, useful links for study, all useful softwares.....
The only things left are my photos. From the previous suffering, I've known that I couldn't trust my HP laptop too much, especially when there're so much precious memories recorded in the digital photoformat.
Yet, this terrible inconvinience drove me crazy and made me cried badly last night.

Life still goes on, so what's my plan next?

After complain, HP promised that they'll send me a new hard-disc within two business day. Say, I should be able to get it before next Tuesday. They currently say they themselves cannot help me to recover my files, and their partner gave me a price range US$400-1,800 to get my files back. Since this is the SECOND HORRIBLE TIME my HP laptop breaks just like this, I'm gonna ask them to pay this recovery fee, and some additional offer that could really cool me down. HP has promised to file my complain and asked a representative to discuss with me on "how can they give me compensations for the loss" next Tuesday, I'll fight for my right that time. DEFINATELY!

Well, that's for now. Dad has recommended me to go buy a new laptop, in case after the repair, some day in the future, HP laptop breaks again. I'll take this into consideration.

Sigh...... How can this happen to me again!!!!!!!


Unknown said...

可憐 遇到如此慘劇
你的HD是什麼牌子? 建議你 千萬別用HITACHI的 我自己及公司總共差不多十個經驗 都是莫名奇妙的硬碟損壞 當時也是哀鴻遍野 將近十部NB的資料 就回的大概不到五成 SO .... GOOD LUCK!
軟體簡介: R-Studio 是一套功能強大與具有高度成本效益比的檔案救援工具,它採用了最新而獨特的資料回復技術,是目前市面上功能最完整的資料回復工具之一。R-Studio 支援以下的檔案系統 FAT12/16/32, NTFS, NTFS5(Windows 2000/XP/2003), Ext2FS/Ext3FS(LINUX), UFS1/UFS2(FreeBSD/OpenBSD/NetBSD)。

R-Studio 除了可以用來回復電腦系統中的誤刪的資料,也可以用來回復網路硬碟(network disks)中的資料,就算這些資料已遭到格式化、損壞或是刪除,一樣可以把它們救回來。R-Studio 具有高彈性的屬性設置,讓你完全掌控資料回復的流程。

R-Studio 可以回復的資料:

* 已從資源回收筒中刪除的檔案
* 遭到病毒刪除或是電力中斷造成的檔案遺失
* 資料所在的磁區遭到重新格式化
* Partition Table 損壞,造成資料無法存取
* 磁碟壞軌造成資料損毀

R-Studio 的主要特色:

* 具有典型的 Windows 檔案總管般的使用界面,簡單而易用
* 支援 Win9x, ME, NT, 2000, XP, 2003 Server 等作業系統
* 透過網路進行資料回復,不論對方的電腦是運行 Windows 或 Linux
* 支援的檔案格式有 FAT12/16/32, NTFS, NTFS5(Windows 2000/XP/2003), Ext2FS/Ext3FS(LINUX), UFS1/UFS2(FreeBSD/OpenBSD/NetBSD)
* 自動辨識與解析 Dynamic(Windows 2000/XP/2003), Basic 與 BSD(UNIX) 磁碟分割區架構
* 支援 RAID 資料回復
* 對整個硬碟、磁區或是其中一部份的資料建立 Image 檔案,然後你可以把它當成一般的硬碟來使用
* 救回損壞、誤刪的磁區、加密過的檔案(NTFS 5)與 alternative data streams(NTFS, NTFS 5)
* 自動辨識不同語言的檔案名稱
* 檔案或是磁碟的內容可使用內建的 16 進位編輯器,來預覽或是編輯,並支援 NTFS 檔案屬性的編輯

軟體名稱:Search and Recover
軟體簡介: Search and Recover 快速的從任何裝置救回任何誤刪、損毀的檔案或資料。主要功能如下。

* 救回被格式化的硬碟中的資料。
* 修復各種類型的檔案,例如文件、圖片、應用程式、影片、MP3 等。
* 修復被病毒損毀的檔案。
* 修復因為停電或是系統當機而損毀的檔案。
* 救回誤刪的 Email,支援 Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express, Netscape Mail, and QUALCOMM Eudora<。/li>
* 備份功能,可以備份整個硬碟,當有任何狀況發生時可以立刻還原你的資料。
* 永久性的刪除檔案,確保機密資訊不外流。
* 救回數位相機記憶卡中誤刪的檔案。
* 支援的作業系統: Windows 98, ME, NT4, 2000, XP。
* 支援的硬碟:IDE, SCSI, USB, FireWire 等。
* 支援的檔案系統:FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, NTFS。
* 支援的數位裝置:digital cameras, music players, memory cards, USB drives, CD / DVD optical media 等。

Wendy Chen said...

thanks a lot! I'll see if these works later!

To companies who possess, or are passionate about obtaining and maintaining global reputation, Wendy is the diligent and professional digital marketer who is experienced in digital marketing, is always energetic about solving challenges in the new media field to help the business grow, and can optimize her contributions by utilizing her multilingual and multicultural background.