
Ingrid, the "Director" @ Paris, France- by Accident!

Some might knew that I once faced a travel tragedy in Tunisia, and I thought I was terribly unlucky. Please check Ingrid's stories, and you will come up with the similar conclusion as I do-

Travel tragedy is on-screen everywhere, in any kind of unbelievable forms, and.......
you are NOT special if you "luckily" got one =.=

I'm sorry that her stories is in Mandarin. Nevertheless, Ingrid still prepared some "dish" for those who only could enjoy the pictures- photos taken in Paris at the "lousy" waiting evening & night.  

  『本來是沒想到要在巴黎待,結果陰錯陽差的在巴黎待了一天,巴黎機場走來走去,現在熟的很呢!且還照到了凱旋門、看到巴黎鐵塔、走到塞納河。(請看照片)整 件事情真的很誇張,出差旅遊不下n次,每個月幾乎都有機會在機上,從來沒有一次看著長榮從我面前起飛,趕不上,下一班要在星期四才有。 大家一定一頭霧水。好吧聽我慢慢說來....』-by Ingrid

From Ingrid,
the Paris City Hall

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To companies who possess, or are passionate about obtaining and maintaining global reputation, Wendy is the diligent and professional digital marketer who is experienced in digital marketing, is always energetic about solving challenges in the new media field to help the business grow, and can optimize her contributions by utilizing her multilingual and multicultural background.