So any time you have an i’m™ conversation using Windows Live Messenger, you help address the issues you feel most passionate about, including poverty, child protection, disease, and environmental degradation. It's simple. All you have to do is join and start an instant messaging conversation. We'll handle the donation.
There's no charge, so join now and put our money where your mouth is.
- users of Windows Live Messenger 8.1 or above
- at least ONE of the participant(s) in the conversation are living in the US
HOW TO 如何加入
- Open the main window of Windows Live Messenger 8.1, click on "Selections" in your drop-down list of your MSN nickname.
開啟Windows Live Messenger 8.1 主視窗 ,在顯示名稱的地方開啟下拉選單,點選 "選項"。 - Type in the following code that represents a certain organization that you feel like giving your donation to. Later, the
will be shown automatically on your nickname.
特定碼 機構 *red+u American Red Cross 美國紅十字會 *bgca Boys & Girls Club 兒童群益會 *naf National AIDS Fund 美國國家愛滋基金 *mssoc National Multiple Sclerosis Society 國家多發性硬化症學會 *9mil 國際兒童難民援助組織 *sierra Sierra Club 山巒協會(保護自然生態的)/地球環境協會 *help 防止全球溫室效應惡化的機構 *komen Susan G. Komen for the Cure 乳癌基金會 *unicef The US fund for UNICEF 美國地區聯合國兒童基金會 *wwf World Wildlife Fund for Nature 世界自然基金會 *oxfam The Oxford Committee for Famine Relief 樂施會
(協助解決當時世界各地饑荒及貧窮問題)*care 國際關懷協會 *hsus The Humane Society of the United States 美國人道協會 *acs American Cancer Society 美國癌症協會 *one ONE Campaign-全球消除貧困與對抗愛滋的組織(GCAP)
剛開始大多都為美國的機構,希望國內的慈善機構也可以來響應:)- Click on OK, and it's all done!
- If you would like to help the promotion, like me, just go to "Get Involved" to get promotional stickers to put on your blog/website.
你也可以到"Get Involved"網頁取得一些推廣小貼紙,把它們貼到你的部落格的自訂欄位裡,把此活動傳給更多人知道。
LINKS相關網站 :
official website官方首頁 :
Windows Live Messenger 8.1 download 下載網址: 開發部落格:!5B410F7FD930829E!25315.entry
目前只要有一方是在美國使用Windows Live Messenger 8.1 就能被正確計算!
所以告訴你的美國朋友趕快加入活動 : )
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