

From the first moment of the movie, everything was unknown. No one remembered a thing, not even their own names. It's bloody all around, yet none could tell what had happened. Broken nose, tied wrists, handcuffed hand that hanged a man with a gunshot in the chest.....must have something fierce happened, but what was that?

The characters little by little found the clues from their memory. Gradually they realized whether one was a kidnapper or the other. Since they were all locked inside a huge abandoned factory with bullet-proof or barred windows/exits, the sooner one found out his own identity, the better one could protect himself from harm. But, who would achieve the goal first, or no one would?

Wow........I love this winding movie! Especially when it should have finished, all things were revealed, however......

Hey! Time for you to shoot that movie(TW)/(EN)!

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To companies who possess, or are passionate about obtaining and maintaining global reputation, Wendy is the diligent and professional digital marketer who is experienced in digital marketing, is always energetic about solving challenges in the new media field to help the business grow, and can optimize her contributions by utilizing her multilingual and multicultural background.