
Wendy Music Story=之拾柒= You're Beautiful/James Blunt

"You're beautiful! You're beautiful oh, You're beautiful, it's True!"
好想念在瑞士跟冰島大姊Ragga一起大唱這首歌的瘋癲日子~ 那時我們相遇Kandersteg International Scout Centre,她是待了大半年的long-term staff,我們是一群只待三個月的short-term Pinkies. 她負責所有Chalet內的清潔與環境維護,分配到跟她一起工作時,我們要不然是一起把成堆的衣服被單床包丟去狂洗狂烘乾狂曬,就是把各房間、廁所瘋狂的清掃刷洗乾淨,工作辛苦也單調,最大的娛樂就是跟著收音機裡的熱門歌曲一起歡唱。
印象最深的一次,是可愛的Ragga在某天下午面帶嚴肅的把我們三四個人帶到其中一個房間,然後把門上鎖一臉正經地說「今天的任務很特別,你們一定要聽好--Let's play Bean Game!」(是的這就是帶頭作亂的意思!!!!笑倒~)
"You're Beautiful"是當時我們都很喜歡的一首歌,收音機播起她時Ragga還會煞有介事的高呼"People! Listen! It's The song again!"然後我們不管手上正在忙什麼就跟著擠眉弄眼的唱,互拋各式各樣古怪的表情。

Hey Ragnheiður! See, it's our song! I miss you a lot my friend~
Many hugs and kisses from Taiwan!

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To companies who possess, or are passionate about obtaining and maintaining global reputation, Wendy is the diligent and professional digital marketer who is experienced in digital marketing, is always energetic about solving challenges in the new media field to help the business grow, and can optimize her contributions by utilizing her multilingual and multicultural background.